grid (17)
I have been particularly struck by the conversations I have had with so many conscious beings since the Winter Solstice of 2012. In the weeks preceding the Solstice, people encountered difficult energy, inner crisis’s, malaise and a negative force w
The beings that speak through compassion are with you. The beings that speak through love are with you. The beings that speak through peace are with you. The beings that speak through harmony are with you...All possible realities are being expressed
It is of welcome that I stand on this plane of reality.
I come from the finer dimensions to bring messages through the beings that have held their light in truth and right action. The beings that speak through compassion are with you. The beings that
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the year 2012. This year has been anticipated, worldwide, in almost all cultures for decades, if not centuries. And through her grace, we are entering it on the coat tails of our beloved Divine Mother. She has scooped us up a
source website: //
September 2011
Dear Friends,
Our love and prayers extend to everyone who was impacted by Hurricane Irene. We ask every
Being a Lightworker means ***WORKING*** for the Light!!!
Join Project: Eagle Triad!
Working for Sananda and Ashtar guarantees personal Ascension & Planetary Ascension!
"In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the Power
of Love. It will take time, but do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. It
begins initially inside each of your hearts, and Dear Ones, that is happening now".
Dear Ashtar crew Commanders,
With this writing, we like to introduce our brandnew website who is just online:
During the period 2012-2020, our solar system will travel thru a zone of galactic turbulence. Global heating and a major
For All Lightworkers, Starseeds, Walk-Ins, Braid-Ins, Shamans, and Light-Bearers of Every Kind
(channeled through the body of Debbie Wright)
<b>from ASHTAR</b>
The energies that you are receiving from the latest alignment (10:10
St. Germain
To Begin TODAY, 2010
I AM St. Germain, the one you know as the Master of the Violet Flame. It is an honor to address you once again. There is much shifting of energy going on at the present, particularly within