Lately, it has been brought into my awareness a topic that I kind of avoided to write about for obvious reasons, but I felt guided to write a few words about it now, especially because there’s a letting go of old belief systems theme and since many p
guidance (18)
Hello, Fellow Masters!
I am writing my message a bit later this week, because things have been quite chaotic, but Divinely Orchestrated nonetheless. Surrendering to the flow and embracing the Unknown with Faith and Trust in our Hearts, is definitely a
First of all, I’m sorry I haven’t wrote my last weekly message. I did not expect to be that busy. I know many others have been quite busy as well, not only because of the festivities, but because there were many energetic events in December and the L
More Light anchoring within, more DNA Activations, more Divine remembrance, Heart Chakra Expansion, New Soul abilities and skills coming online, New Information about your Soul Mission are some of the few things that are currently happening which wil
This past week has been full of Light downloads/upgrades and I know many of you have experienced them in your own unique ways. Some have heard high pitched frequencies, some have felt them through their chakras, some saw them through their inner visi
Visit our Blog Page & Submit your request for a channeling available & commencing first week of May 2013 for all blog visitors,
Simply fill out our submission form & read our guidelines by providing an email address as the o
Janna Levin presents some very interesting information about our universe, including black holes and the rhythm and sound of their nature. Her presentation of the potential sounds we might here, if we could, resemble the sounds heard by those who hav
The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light
The Blending of Heaven and Earth
"Beloved ones, this is the time of the blending of Heaven and Earth. This is the time when life becomes circ
This is an amazing site that goes into detail about bullying that I think should be essential reading for every human..
in particular Why Me? which is quite an eye opener - people who have been bullied wil
I truly believe that angels come into your life disguised as people sometimes to help you along! I had this very experience when I was in the hospital after having knee replacement surgery last month. I had not slept in three days and was in excrus