haarp (14)
There are more strange sounds being heard Worldwide posted by various people with a bunch of possible explanations but no real answers..I wanted to throw it out to the smartest people I know-My beautiful frie
The following was copied and pasted from David Wilcock's website
in case you want to
Another one of my insiders
Monday, June 18, 2012
Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be made.
LT said:
"Hi Commander, Since we have all of this great communication going on, I want to thank you and our Star Brothers and Sisters who are working so selflessly and efficiently for the good of all! I honor you and love you all deeply. I can hardl
The Eclectic Eclipse-Triad
A TRIAD of 3 Powerful Eclipses in 30 Days Beginning Next Week !
Archangel Metatron Channel
via James Tyberonn
Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love.
And indeed this love is a calmi
The time is so very near now ... our dearest friends. Long have you waited. Long have we waited . Yet cannot your hearts FEEL the excitement that something is about to take place?
Much behind the scenes that has been taking place ... is now read
Hello everyone..... :)
I AM smiling today..... why?.....here's why:
( Remeber... we've ALL been told to watch for "signs" of REAL progress during and after the G8 Summit Meeting )
It seems as though the ENTIRE US WAR MACHINE is soon to be under N
What is a Lightworker? Are YOU a Lightworker?
The term ‘Lightworker’ has been around for about 40 years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work. The definition of Lightworker has evolved as our understand
Hhhhhmmm.... could be just me ( doubt it ), but i find "this" to be rather "strange"... check out the latest on CNN.... it's just a silly little "Poll" that they would like answers to... but wait until you see the last question....... Hhhhmmmm
IMF chief arrested in alleged sex assault
March 12, 2011
Earthquake, tsunami in Japan; collective consciousness shifts; challenges ahead; transitioning souls, personalized care; ascension pace accelerated; intrinsic values vs trivial interests; fabricated image of US; mental, emotional illn
Adelaide Under HAARPed Skies
On the evening of the 14th February around 8.30pm I went out to take a photo of the sky. I was overwhelmed by the width of the 'cloud' pattern so I put my little Canon Powershot A430 into movie mode and took this little vi