Dane Arr, administrator of Prepared for Change, published excerpts from Dreams Are Reality on his site. He also offers a free download of the Ebook. Words cannot convey the deep gratitude I have for this phenomenal soul. Please read it and then s
happiness (37)
Trees are swaying in the sun
the gentle breeze of spring has come.
The blossom bright with pink and white
drops gently down as it catches the light.
Butterflies so beautiful just flutter by without a care,
its great to break away from life just for a day
Please sign this petition because it is the truth. The truth always wins. Love and blessings to all!
Excerpt from The Power of your Sub-Conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
William James, father of American psychology, said that the greatest discovery of the nineteenth century was not in the realm of physical science. The greatest discovery was the power
The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and tha
A Message for the Masters with Sharon Taphorn ~ Peace, Ascension and Protection
Today let us talk about what is happening to humanity on a global level as well as what is happening on an internal level, or what should be hap
Discover 8 Proven Ways To "Hack" Your Subconscious Mind Into A Portal To Infinite Happiness, Phenomenal Mental Balance, Endless Spiritual Energy and Dazzling Pleasures Beyond the Physical Dimension...
Beyond Consciousness: 8 Subconscious Techniques to
Inspirational Ways of being,
To Achieve the very BEST out of Life!
The principles of Everyday Living!
Enjoy The Video... with Nature Pics!
To know more about YOUR own soul plan,
spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact me @
Teacher: Julie Miller Negative Attitude: Causes, Consequences And Cures By Simona Rich
The Causes of Negative Attitude
Limiting beliefs. The main cause of negative attitude is wrong beliefs about life or certain aspects of it. You see the life t
apparently you are knew and new at this,
imagine a wise old tree who has done everything from seed to growth to making seed, it's at the end of it's life and it wants to consider death.
Death comes and death says: you are done wise elder, do you reall
Wow, that’s a “heavy” topic to bring up, right? I’ve struggled with it but I’ve come to realize that I think that’s why I was awakened in the first place – to bring up this topic, consistently. I’ve been doing quite a bit of research trying to make
Q. What is happiness? And How do I achieve it?
A. Happiness is a state of mind.
and you achieve it by trying not to achieve anything. ;)
When I first read this somewhere. I was puzzled. Then one day, I was traveling in metro, in the ladies compartment
Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times love seems like a spiritual quality. Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless. Love is what we all have for eachother, like it being limitless, just as the Universe aro
One great saintly personality remarked that everyone spends their lives within a series of questions and answers. When a bird rises in the morning, it begins asking questions and searching for answers. When it comes back to the nest at night, it is s