hell (5)
What if life on planet earth is a duality incarnation? Say there is life on many worlds, and some of these worlds fit our definition of "heaven" and some fit our definition of "hell". In saying this you may also be saying that negativity, in large pa
Lord Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Allah – with Whom do I band?
The heavens, the earth, hell – where do I land?
The Koran, the Bible, the Vedas – where do I stand?
It is very difficult to understand;
Only after getting Guru true, I understand.
He is knowledge a
(« Guardian Angel, » sculpture by Josep Llimona, photography by P. B. Obregón)
« On The Wings Of My Guardian Angel » is one of the rare pieces of the Poligrafic repertoire which follows a traditional song form. It was written in less than two days,
Just during my short time on this planet I have come across over 200 people who were targeted as the anti-Christ by the many denomination and sects of the church and the fundamental christian church.Each time a great humanitarian will come forth and