The times that are upon you require that you allow yourselves to just BE instead of doing. It is a period of inner contemplation and adjusting...There is gradual progress being made in the raising of the vibrational level of the Earth and all upon...
hilarion's (30)
These are the times you have been waiting for, for it means that you are all getting closer to the remembrance of your reason for being here in this Cosmic moment of the cyclic movement from one age to another. From this point onward, life will take
The peeling away of the layers of the subconscious patterns that have been carried within you are now beginning to be dissolved and dissipated...which in turn brings up more layers that have been deeply hidden within you... Dear Ones, and being willi
The path is becoming narrow for the dedicated Lightworkers of the World, more adjustments are being made, more letting go of the temporal World is taking place in your consciousness and as this happens, the way opens wider for the Awakening Ones as t
Many of you are discovering that as you each stand in your Light and in your truth without fear, without anger, that you are being supported by the new energies...Keep on observing the thoughts that well up from deep within you and be easy on yoursel
You who have walked the lonely path of Light are soon to be joined by many, many others ...Along your trail blazing path, you have encountered much that was not love ...Your higher senses are now coming to the fore and we ask you to be prepared and c
Many of you have been feeling the powerful downloads of energy moving through you ...during this last week...This activity can translate into feelings of tiredness and sleepiness and sometimes the opposite of this, which is sleeplessness...All is wel
Each of you is feeling the pressure of opposing forces within yourselves...Soon the Path before you will clear and more understanding will enter your consciousness...You are now in the cycle of rest and assimilation and this will continue for some ti
Your focus on the 11-11-11 portal helped to set the pattern for the New World that is in the process of recalibration, the raising of vibration and frequency...Many more of Humanity is starting to awaken and this metamorphosis will continue in the mo
You are moving into higher dimensions of Love and this will affect each person in different ways but will most definitely be a profoundly felt experience...You are the catalysts that foster creative and peaceful change as you step forward....Truly we have chosen Ascension in your physical body and so the changes within you continue to occur. During these times, the downloads of new energies continue to spiral through you, creating a greater frequency within you which in turn activates dorm
...many people on the Planet are beginning to awaken from their sleep and for many, it is a very uncomfortable process. It is not easy, as each of you all know, to face the true reality of life upon Earth that has been passing as life, and coming to
It is now a time of grace for you Dear Ones...The Awakening Ones will not relent in their demand for justice for all that has kept the good people in every country chained to impossible systems of control...By setting one foot in front of the other,
Make discourse with the Higher realms a daily part of your day...Talk to us....Ask for our assistance with your current challenges, then look for our answers... through thought transference, through images, words, thoughts, impulses, through the word
Moving your body during these times and stretching your muscles, tendons and ligaments and doing deep breathing helps to keep the energies moving through you in a balanced way. Following good dietary habits and drinking large quantities of pure water have learned to protect your hearts in order to shield them from the pain of rejection, betrayal, sadness, deception and separation....
September 4-11, 2011
Beloved Ones,
Those of you who have been maintaining yo
The times of great transformation are now upon you. Each of you is undergoing tremendous alchemical processes within your four lower bodies and this can bring emotional outbursts as you try to cope with these changes.
Hilarion's Weekly Message
There is a higher purpose to all that you have been going through and you have been creating the space for your Holy Christ Self to anchor within you and begin to manifest through you. How glorious is that?
Hilarion's W
Each of you have done this task many times before and so you have taken your stand in the Light, holding it steady as a Beacon for those who are waking up and demanding greater equality and peace for all.
Hilarion's We
You have now started on the road to a new adventure – the adventure of moving beyond your previously conceived limitations and going for the gold in all your highest aspirations and ideals.
Hilarion's Weekly Message
August 7-14, 2011
Latest Activity
after the EU/Soros' minions cancelled the results of the first election, because Georgescu won, now he is not allowed to run from the beginning.
demoncratic values LOL"""