The same power many of you are now speaking of with disdain – political power, corporate power, race dominance, gender or sexual orientation or any type of power....(at one point in time) you did the same by fully exploring outer-directed power....An
hoffman (7)
Your emotions will swirl in the next few days. Some days you will feel as if you are filled with a sparkling substance and you are capable of anything. Other days you will feel as if you never left the third dimension....The emotions you feel will no
The New Age has arrived. It is time for you to claim your true role of star god or goddess...The next few days might be trying...because you are moving into your new world...You now have the strength, energy and need to resolve your core fear or fear
Perhaps it seems as if your concerns are floating away...A wonderful new beginning for those of you who wish to claim the joy that is available to all...You are indeed one of the advance Lightworker team members who discovered the path...Now that the
Not everyone is interested in this New Age/new earth transition. That is how it should be...Many of you are feeling a need to do something, but have no idea what that “something” is. Be patient. Your individual dance is going to happen at the right t