humanity (28)
Major flooding occurred in Kerala, India traumatizing thousands of people in August 2018. People were evacuated from their homes and put in relief camps for 8 days. When the people In Kuttanad came back from camp, everything was gone. The people ha
Causation of the worlds dire situation is found in subconscious energy. Masses of people with no outlet struggling daily with the idea of slaving for 20 years to get somewhere.
You can divide people into three categories. Sane people, insane people a
It was good to hear that scientists have now signed a formal declaration confirming that animals do possess the ability of conscious awareness.
This international group of scientists have signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which the
How to Recognize Your Soulmate!
Soulmates: How to Know If Someone Is Your Soulmate or your "Spiritual Adviser".
- The Essence Of Anam Cara!
Not everyone are soulmates, for TRUE LINEAGE soul mates are truly acting like a spiritual-friend and a spir
We are the Creators and we come to guide and to support as the human race now moves in vibration and becomes more aware of ALL that exist around them...Events will unfold across and within planet earth that will show the depth of vibrational frequenc
About Connecting to YOUR Inner Solar Sun:
The Earth’s Constant State Of Expansion!
Right now in this millisecond of time, our Universe is expanding.
This expansion is part of your life.
It is also part of YOUR Ascension plan.
Since y
Each of you reading these words has something wonderful within YOU to contribute to OUR beautiful planet. This is why you are here.
You do NOT have to believe in a Higher Power to do this.
Because you EXIST you are FREE to choose for YOUR own way!
International Common Law Court Attempts the Arrest of RCMP Inspector Peter Montague, An Architect of Canada’s Coverup of its Genocide of Indians
Posted on March 10, 2013 by itccs
On Friday, March 8, Common Law Court officer Rev. Joshua Lemmens tried t
I cannot stop crying today. Animals are in my dreams and in the skies through the cloud sprays ... like this cow. Their hurts is so deep ... they do not understand humanity's cruelty. They cannot stop this themselves! They line up and wait for their
There are so many people that live in the dark based around this topic of conversation specifically. For ages and ages your society has been sheltered from the knowledge of advanced civilizations in order to keep your structural society funct
The audio is quite feint due to the quality of my recording software.
This is a song written by yours truly, called Ode to Humanity.
time sweet time will show us soon
if we did indeed mind what we came here to do
we lost ourselves in a human da
Laura: Good evening Future, here is a question for you:
“What ideas/concepts or experiences are we very close to accessing that we haven’t yet, either individually, as a group or as humanity?”
Future: Your future is assured humans from planet Earth.
The original Annunaki blue bloodline are still preserved and exists to this day, through the royal houses of Europe and the noble elite, you are still their incumbents. These renegades are known as the nephlim – those that chose to stay on earth and
For most of us ther
awareness we are now getting a sad Omen of the many various cataclysms that now
loom upon the horizons of man`s world, which really blackens the future of so
many of our young people at this