I hear people spread all kinds of stories... Stories of Globalists, stories about the "evil" people who want to control everything. Meanwhile, those same people glorify Dictators, Demonize people they hardly know, and continuously propagate poison t
illuminati (15)
Greetings my lovely cosmic friends x
This novel is creating quite a storm locally, In Yorkshire, England...
I believe you may enjoy this riveting novel about a reclusive Yorkshire lass that has LIGHT ORB friends. They come to her assistance, as 'Anni
Dane Arr, administrator of Prepared for Change, published excerpts from Dreams Are Reality on his site. He also offers a free download of the Ebook. Words cannot convey the deep gratitude I have for this phenomenal soul. Please read it and then s
I’m not completely sure what it was that attacked me. But I had a negative dream around the early morning time. It involved a large pizza, and it made zero sense. When I woke up all I felt was misery. Thinking it was just the morning blues I thought
I could get into bloodlines of the illuminati but that would make all of this seem like someone has taken genealogical history of food becoming other food, since the time of Arthur Mendel, and converted it to how the ruling bloodlines are all inter r
Bilderberg’s grand design is one-world government comprised of rulers and serfs. It wants total unchallenged global control.
Infowars said its “inside source” listed the following June issues for discussion:
- de
Hidden Hand Dialogue reveals extraterrestrial factor in Illuminati control of Earth
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
The Hidden Hand Dialogue is a set of questions and answers given by a self-described Illuminati insider and me
There are more strange sounds being heard Worldwide posted by various people with a bunch of possible explanations but no real answers..I wanted to throw it out to the smartest people I know-My beautiful frie
NESARA means:
The National Economic Security and Reformation Act
ZEROES OUT (Forgives) ALL Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational, and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds!
Hey Guys, You all don't want to miss this! I will be interviewing Santos Bonacci on April 8th 2012 Sunday 7:30pm pst on My Illuminating Minds Show on Freedomizerradio.com! Here is a background of who Santos Bonacci is! He speaks about the Symbolism o
Channeled through Wes Annac-
We listen to your calls to us, for us to show you ways and give you guidance as to how you can make your difficult ventures in the lower vibrations a little bit easier. Every thought is a prayer, and
We have reached a Pivotal point in time. As many of you have heard that Super Bowl Sunday had an Illuminating them from Madonna - which was heavily planned and worked out by the Illuminati - The Final Curtain -But what all this Cignify's behind the s
As a way of understanding the possible importance of the Murdoch investigation, let’s look at the way the world’s media have operated in previous years.
Backgrounder on Illuminati Control of the Mass Media
We are the ones we are waiting for....
Germain: I am Violinio Germain of the Lighted Realms speaking to you, Anne and Patrick. I have come at your request to speak to you at this time concerning the NESARA Mission and the situation of Mother Earth.