People will have a hard time believing this and that's ok. I'll preach it forever! The link is at your disposal, as I continue below. The Spirit has lad me, as It will lead you saying, "The Last Shall Be First!". The last tablet, Tablet XIII is calle
immortality (4)
Soma or the divine nectar is the secretion that is produced within the human body. In some traditions the kechari mudra is given a lot of importance for the nectar to be produced/released. I do not consider kechari mudra to be a necessity for the pro
As I watched the sun sink slowly away for it’s last moments in 2014, it occurred to me that our marking of time based events, like the new year, is both observational and arbitrary in terms of its relation to the passing of cosmological events. While
Article By Jesse Herman of Powerful Primates.
I am. Those are two of the most powerful words we can speak. Someday, though, each and every one of us won’t be on earth to speak those words in reference to the organic skin that is dangling on our bones