Pure devotee leaves this world on his sweet will.....
In Mayapur on 9 February 1996, the holy appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, two senior ISKCON devotees requested an appointment in the early evening to see Gour Govinda Mahara
india (6)
"It's the difference between day and night - between light and darkness. Pity is self-centered and compassion is altruistic. When you pity someone you are merely feeling sorry for yourself and the other person is a reflection of some aspect that is
19th December 2010, D.A.V. School, Pushpanjali, Delhi, India: It was a beautiful sunny sunday afternoon. Hundreds of children busy learning, listening, sharing. God is kind. We're having a good time...
Sending you loadsa love and blessings through the
The UNIFICATION PROJECT is a non-profit organization committed to the healing service for all humanity by spreading Universal light, love, peace, brotherhood, friendship, and encouraging spiritual enlightenment and growth, enhanced by the diversity o
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"Călin Georgescu is not authorized to run for President of Romania.
after the EU/Soros' minions cancelled the results of the first election, because Georgescu won, now he is not allowed to run from the beginning.
demoncratic values LOL"
after the EU/Soros' minions cancelled the results of the first election, because Georgescu won, now he is not allowed to run from the beginning.
demoncratic values LOL"
"NASA Soviet dossier - Moon's UFO alien objects analysis Part 2 of 2
"NASA Soviet dossier - Moon's UFO alien objects analysis Part 1 of 2
"-if Greer says their may be a false flag using alien tec and holograms he's probably right-others have been saying the same thing for decafes and Greer and the rest them are probably cia -but how about the fact that you post the ben fulford cia…"
""The old World is dying. And the new World struggles to be born:
Now is the time of monsters!" - Antonio Gramsci"
Now is the time of monsters!" - Antonio Gramsci"
"Are you a troll AE, ? for you are causing FEAR in people. The GFL says this will not be permitted to happen, there is already a firmament around the earth to stop all incoming UFO'S or those trying to get out. The DC can only create a hologram that…"
The True Power of Love By Quan Yin Through Octavia Vasile "Beloved Ones,I am Quan Yin, She who walks in the river of compassion, She who sees the suffering and does not turn away. I come to you now to remind you of the great power that flows…