If anyone out there thought that god complimented satan and satan complimented it didn't because when god kicked satan out of heaven for blasmphemy and rebellion against God and it's people. It seperated itself physiologically, genealogically and bio
indigo (13)
If anyone out there thought that god complimented satan and satan complimented it didn't because when god kicked satan out of heaven for blasmphemy and rebellion against God and it's people. It seperated itself physiologically, genealogically and bio
Em breve teremos um aplicativo de smartphone que vai explodir todo o potencial de meditações coletivas que fazem meditação síncrona reforçada em um nível global. O criador deste app acreditam na idéia de uma plataforma de monitoramento de grupos Maha
I found in this Earth an old friend few months ago.We are friends since our birth event but not here,just in astral plane.I found him using internet in social network for artist I like to use or used to like,thinking in remove my profile and all my l
If you can expand your compassionate love large enough to envelop your adversaries, you will see right through their pettimindedness, and avoid their attacks. And once you envelop them, you will be able to
guide them along a path indicated to you whis
It started with spots of indigo light, but now I see bright indigo fractals and sacred geometry at night when I try to sleep. These shapes are accompanied with understandings and wisdom i can't begin to describe in words. I'm also able to see geometr
The following quiz will help identify how well prepared you are for the Quest.
Click on the link to get started: http://pleiadesx.com/starquiz.htm
How do you score?
40 + ... You may have some ancestral roots in the Pleiades
50 + ... You have some cou
Video Message
"The Indigo Evolution" is a documentary that attempts to answer the question - Are these 'Indigos' only the fanciful notions of a few individuals embracing new-age, metaphysical beliefs, or is there real evidence tha
The title "indigo children" was originally given to people with the ten attributes described below who were mainly born in the period from 1975 through 1995. Some sources use the term "crystal children" to describe indigos at a young age (younger t
Arch angel Uriel's light & beautiful cascading light rays of ascension :D
As i sat in silent meditation, channelling energies from distant places, deep within the earth, planets far away, crystal clusters inside the earth's mantle, connecting crowns &