Here's a link to a beautiful song that's perfect for this time of year. The song is sung by Kevin Ross, and is titled "This Is My Wish". After listening to the song, you may download it for free!
is (29)
hi folks.
i have been tapped into my internet connections, this site in is a major one.
i have to completey clean the hard drive, of all my computers, laptops, iphone.
i have a tech. support company i use and they showed me live connections all over u.
Teachings channeled from Arcturians: Fear = Love
The first thing I got from this message is exactly that, f
SUNKINGZ MUSIC GEOMETRY | Music is a direct link to the gods and has the ability to allow communication through time and space.
I find myself exponentially motivated and completely sure of what I’m here to do, and the resulting metaphysical perception I’ve been able to unlock has been nothing short of amazing.
I surfaced doubts surrounding my mission and s
...only five days remain in your current ‘age’. In less than one week you will move into your Age of Aquarius...nothing which IS will remain unaffected...There will be many who are amazed at what they see, hear, feel, or understand...And many will ru
Greetings everyone, Before I lay out this seemingly simple exercise I’d like to let you all know that I have used and found this to be very helpful for my personal process of ascension. I am unclear how this would turn out for anyone besides me bec
The Neutralization of Chemtrails is Real
Written by Wes Annac
We’ve heard from a few Galactic and ascended sources of the neutralization of chemtrails, and there have been writings on the subject as well. As man
Take your time and read a bit our history in the end you will understand why i posted both.
I will not moderate your comments here or not approve them.I'm not afraid of truth.I don't care what it is.
Bring it on!And out!
July 2,2012
Much is happening this day. You know this. You feel it. Yet, because the media, which you do not trust, does not report it, you are in doubt. This would bring chuckles to us, dear hearts, except for the fact t
Peace is not only showing its first frail signs in your world, but is appearing now foremost in your will perhaps be moved to consider this feeling as a sense of emptiness and you are striving to regain your familiar state...Now, when y
Many on earth are wondering about awakening: “How much longer? Is it really going to happen? Are we deluding ourselves? Surely we can’t be?...Do not be misled by the naysayers and doubters...All this is your collective ego fighting for its survival –
Soon you will be hearing announcements that will be both shocking and wonderful. To some, it will be as if their world is falling apart and to others it will be as a ray of sunshine peaking through the clouds for the first time...“The time is now” de
As you make progress in the process of claiming your gifts and attributes of mastery, you will discover that loneliness is an illusion, an impulse of the ego, whereby external stimulus or interaction with other people is sought as a means of enjoymen
I know now for sure 2012 will be a marvelous year for us all ...I was over the moon when I heard the news from Benjamin Fulford that the breakthrough in the financial system has been made...We are going to see the new year 2012 unfolding the new sta