janeramithma (1)
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Another plane hit by wind gust,5 injured & yet another 2 plane near crash. Thats 30 mishaps in 33 days. The cabal is surely busy,huh.!
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher…
I’m short on time so minimal chatter today. There are 43 deltas in the Q drops today. Tomorrow is March 4th and around 9 pm Eastern time Trump will address Congress. No telling what will come of that but many will be glued to the event or may join…
"Starmer will find out, not to tease the bear
"Blondie will also follow
"Starmer will be gone, sooner, rather than later......Demands are mounting for a new general election in the UK...We the people, will not suffer this failed politician, much longer....