Many are still holding on tightly believing all that their human eyes and ears can see and hear and ignoring the deep calling from their SOUL...For those who try to keep their dreamtime free from dreams we ask why?...the dreams that are contained wit
january (25)
The great awakening is happening all over your world. The sense of excitement is spreading...The Cabal knows that it has reached the end of the road. They cannot survive beyond 2012. They have tried everything that their scientists and supporters fro
Soon you will be hearing announcements that will be both shocking and wonderful. To some, it will be as if their world is falling apart and to others it will be as a ray of sunshine peaking through the clouds for the first time...“The time is now” de
I come to you today to speak my mind about some events that are troubling to not only me, but to others whom I consider to be my brothers and sisters...It is time to stop segregating the camps and instead unite them...Some people learn, yet fail to t
So many of you remain in the robotic, hypnotic state; your minds and bodies poisoned to keep you under control. Those of you who think for yourselves are looked on as difficult, and so efforts are made to force you to conform...So much has been done
We see many are beginning to let go of the idea that there is only one way to accomplish things, or only one way of understanding an issue...It is time to let go. We have made this statement many times before, but we must say it again. You cannot car
This is a time in which to be proud of the progress you have made, in the certain knowledge that it heralds the beginning of something truly wonderful that has been in preparation for eons, and that is now starting to bear rich fruit. Look around, se
Many of the problems and issues that demand your attention and resolution have largely been caused by inappropriate and instinctive reactions...All of you bearers of the Light – anyone who reads or hears of this here, or elsewhere, and resonates with
We encourage you to trust in the process of your transformation and to consciously say “yes” to this process, because if you do your path will be much smoother and happier, with no hindrances of your opposing ego in the currents of change, which are

Humanity’s long sojourn in the illusion is coming to an end, as is the illusion itself...You are now in the process of freeing yourselves from what appears to be a very sticky environment from which long tentacles reach out to grab you and draw you b
Many of you are discovering that as you each stand in your Light and in your truth without fear, without anger, that you are being supported by the new energies...Keep on observing the thoughts that well up from deep within you and be easy on yoursel
Many of you are finding this period in the divine plan stressful with your doubts and skepticism intensifying as you wait expectantly for the moment of awakening...Some of you...are experiencing unusual tiredness, even exhaustion, as your old and anc
I don't know about you, but in my experience there seems to descend on us a huge new wave of conscious energy, very thick and warm and embracing - and extremely powerful...It seems to undo our old world, perception and way of existence, with the inte
Acceptance of yourselves just as you are, without judgment or self-criticism, opens the way for you to accept others just as they are, and helps you to catch glimpses or inklings of the truth of the statement “All are one.”.. You are moving relentles
It is time for rejoicing, for you are close to the goal line, but it is not time to drop the ball. Every individual choosing to be a part of this most important time, must continue their inner journey beyond simple intellectual understanding...You ar
Hieros Gamos or “Hierogamy” is the Sacred Marriage of a Human Being with Divinity (the Inner Spirit) and the Unification between all life expressions and its levels of opposite...One of the most harrowing results of this accelerated paradigm shift, i
...the issues that attach you to the illusion have to be dealt with...Until you release your unloving attitudes and forgive yourselves and all others for all the perceived wrongs that have been committed, you will be unable to awaken ...Because you c
As you move closer to the moment of your awakening you will find yourselves releasing and discarding ideas, beliefs, and certainties that no longer serve you...You are done with the illusion! It has been a long and painful experience, and you have ma