Understanding the SEG - Reality of Costs/ "Blueprints" - Mock Up vs Prototype - Coherence vs Chaos - History of John Searl - Current Status of Project & Context
john (64)
When you surrender to Love, peace envelopes you.
04/13/2014 by John Smallman
To awaken is to release your firm grip on the illusion and just watch it float away, as it most definitely will. You know that it is unreal, and yet it continues to captivate
Rama Rao Das asks,
“Let the Bible be known in a word!
Oh! my Guru, tell me the Word
Which was with our Lord?
Called as primordial word.
This word became Our Lord
And Our Lord is this Word.
This is what I heard.”
My Guru says,
“Om is the word
Called as Div
To begin this I want to say that regardless if you agree or disagree all opinions are welcome and I wish not to impart any animosity upon anyone.
This is why I like and joined this site and plan to stay a member of this site. And I think whoever the a
When your awakening happens – as all negative or unloving thoughts and attitudes dissolve – total peace and love will fill your hearts.... People have just lost their way in the maze of the illusion, and that is distracting them from remembering who
You are on Earth at this time because, with divine guidance, you chose to be here to bring all to awakening, and you knew when you made that choice that it was not going to be easy... For your own comfort it helps you enormously to spend time daily w
This is a time in which to be proud of the progress you have made, in the certain knowledge that it heralds the beginning of something truly wonderful that has been in preparation for eons, and that is now starting to bear rich fruit. Look around, se
Many of the problems and issues that demand your attention and resolution have largely been caused by inappropriate and instinctive reactions...All of you bearers of the Light – anyone who reads or hears of this here, or elsewhere, and resonates with
Many of you are finding this period in the divine plan stressful with your doubts and skepticism intensifying as you wait expectantly for the moment of awakening...Some of you...are experiencing unusual tiredness, even exhaustion, as your old and anc
Acceptance of yourselves just as you are, without judgment or self-criticism, opens the way for you to accept others just as they are, and helps you to catch glimpses or inklings of the truth of the statement “All are one.”.. You are moving relentles
...the issues that attach you to the illusion have to be dealt with...Until you release your unloving attitudes and forgive yourselves and all others for all the perceived wrongs that have been committed, you will be unable to awaken ...Because you c
As you move closer to the moment of your awakening you will find yourselves releasing and discarding ideas, beliefs, and certainties that no longer serve you...You are done with the illusion! It has been a long and painful experience, and you have ma
The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer...To have joy you must be free from anger, blame, judgment, bitterness, and resentment...by letting go of personal agendas, practicing trusting others, and being utterly and uncompromisingly trustw
All in the spiritual realms are watching with joy as, despite the difficulties and stresses...you continue to hold your Light on high as you move purposely forward towards the moment of awakening...Now it is becoming apparent that that exhilarating m
You have made enormous strides in the last few months, and the results are plain to see all over the planet...When you awaken into Reality the insignificance of the illusion and all that it seems to contain might just amuse you...And as you allow Lov
It has been shown conclusively, time after time, that agreements made in anger, frustration, or out of a sense of hopelessness or desperation cause grave resentment, and are never truly honored or accepted...Peace and prosperity can never be achieve
...no one can any longer claim to be unaware of the fact that something unusual is going on....The time for wars and conflicts of any kind is drawing rapidly to a close...( it is )...the “last hurrah” of those fearful, ego-driven, power-hungry remnan
Acceptance of where you are is the key. If you rail against the situations in which you find yourselves you will not see, let alone understand or learn, the lessons offered to you, and which you decided with divine guidance to incorporate into your l
Having freed yourself from doubt and worry you will find that you have far more energy, motivation, and enthusiasm with which to engage life. Everything you do will be because you want to do it, and doing it will give you pleasure and satisfaction; t
You have decided that the time for playing games and hiding from God is no longer appealing or of interest, and so you are choosing to awaken to experience once more your Father’s heavenly Reality. It is a very wise decision, and one that you will ne
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after the EU/Soros' minions cancelled the results of the first election, because Georgescu won, now he is not allowed to run from the beginning.
demoncratic values LOL"
Now is the time of monsters!" - Antonio Gramsci"