It's Amazing isn't it?....that "feeling" that you just can't put your finger on?...WE ARE ONE...awakening "together"....are "energy systems" are BEing pushed through ever facet of our 3rd Dimensional housing unit, otherwise known as The Human Body...
karma's (21)
Many are now throwing away the power that is within them in the guise of interaction. Dream the dream and create the dream through FEELing the dream, do not put the dream on a shelf to pursue the technology version of a dream, a dream where the human
They say, " People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."
Sept.9, 2011
They say, " People in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones."
For those stones will come back and bring down the very house you call your HOME. Here in-lies THE riddle of the
The lesson that is learned through experiencing trauma or pain or other negative emotions is an opportunity to allow the illusion to dissolve before YOU. For where there is pain and negative emotion there is FEAR and illusion...
As always, your development into superb galactic citizens is our main concern. In consonance with this, your Agarthan cousins have compiled a syllabus they would like us to teach you. They would like you to acquire certain perspectives that are to be
Lightworker is a term given to those who are actively on the spiritual path. Not all Lightworkers are starseed or walk-ins and not all starseeds and walk-ins are Lightworkers.
Not everyone on earth is from earth. There are those who are
We of the Galactic Federation of Light would like to join Metatron...We come to you now with this message of peace to let you know that we are coming...
I am Metatron and I greet you now in my highest regard to your situation here
Many things are to be addressed in our announcements to you all, and our announcement liasion teams of Agartha have gone a long way in explaining the methods of control the dark has attempted to push onto all of humanity. Many things will be coming t
People, all of this complaining does nothing but add to the negative energy that is clouding all of your continents...You may not have money in the bank, but you have creative ideas and the ability to act towards their adoption. Giving up is not an o
Human BEings were never meant to live the existence that many still live...Those who are able to anchor and shine that divine light will become a beacon for those who struggle with the veils of illusion
We come with the langua
The straightjacket that you live in whilst on Earth has been so restrictive that you have forgotten that you are a Universal Being....Can you see that if you put things into perspective, your remaining time in duality is but a blink of the eye and re
You have answered the call; you have begun to realize that it is you who makes the difference....your planet is moving energetically to what is being called the 'zero point' where everything is reset or rebooted....You were selected to be here during
As you know, dear ones, the Earth along with yourselves have been undergoing cleansing for a couple of years now. You see in the UK and in the finance system one of the greatest clearing of all times.
Laura: Good morning SaL
You are at the end of learning your lessons in duality, and the finish line is in reach, so to say. Allow yourselves to become the Light at the end of the tunnel, for yourselves and for everyone else. Some have begun to notice that others around them
Moving out of duality for many across the planet is a struggle and we guide that the struggle is mainly to do with ego. Allow all to go dear ones, for the one that you struggle with is in TRUTH the self. ALL ARE ONE.

The strength that so many of you have shown by remaining open and loving in situations of grave personal danger is phenomenal, and although it may have cost lives, it enormously strengthened the field of love that you are creating to assist one anot
You have, after eons of conflict, finally evolved to a level of honesty and integrity that allows you to admit to yourselves and to others that you make errors.
07/31/2011 by John Smallman
Naturally, many of you are experiencing frustration and i
There is and will continue to be many, many distractions that will pull you away from your central core if you allow it. These times require discernment and the following of your hearts promptings, even if you do not currently understand the reaso
Stepping outside of your "vehicle"....your is time.