People will have a hard time believing this and that's ok. I'll preach it forever! The link is at your disposal, as I continue below. The Spirit has lad me, as It will lead you saying, "The Last Shall Be First!". The last tablet, Tablet XIII is calle
knowledge (18)
Apophis is an asteroid with an slightly offset orbit to that of Earth's. Discovered in June 2004, astronomers have determined that it will make a very close flyby on Friday, April 13th, 2029, where it will pass to within 5 Earth diameters of us. The
Visit Quantum Energy Process Blog & Consolidation Blog For Insightful Content & Receive The Latest Post Publications & News Updates.
Visit Quantum Energy Process Blog & Click Link Here & View The 12 Totem Animals & view your own animal related to your
Choice between understanding of perceiving realities
“A fight is going on inside of me… It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferi
Have You Often Wondered...
if There is Much More to your Life Than The Endless
Ups-and-Downs, Struggles, Day-to-Day Repetition, Minimal Success and Endless Worry?
If you have, then the time has come for you to wake up to the truth!
You are literally l
Hi Friends,
Here are the links to my first published book "Beyond the Shelters of Stone".
For those of you who have read and enjoyed the "Clan of the Cave Bear" series, I am sure you will like this as well.
Feel free to comment and Happy 2013!
Best Wishe
Book Of Genesis - The 13 Guardians of the Guardians of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Keeper of the Secrets of the Damned and Eternally Lost, The Creators, The Elohim.
(This is an introductory to the process of accountability, read throu
What is it like to make a Soul Contract?
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
![]() |
Are you aware of the many soul contracts you made before you were born? Imagine you are on the other side with Source and you are telling him th
I was recently reminded of the fact that I have an ego. At first when you hear this, you get angry. Actually the ego, does not like to be acknowledged as something bad. It gets hurt and angry.
"I" was also hurt and angry.
I am able to recognize its vo
(« A Little Boy Riding a Donkey » by Niko Pirosmanashvili)
« Ignorant » is one of my first compositions ever, and was originally written for acoustic guitar and vocals.
The general idea behind the piece is that of lack of knowledge, and how it can le
Dura matter, pia matter and why it matters. The human brain and the veil. The location of the holy of holies. The philosophers stone and the elixir of life.
The mind sits like a golden capstone atop the physical body. These are ancient words.
We Stand on the Threshold of a Golden Age
Numerous spirit and galactic sources describe to us the Golden Age that is fast approaching. “You stand poised at the threshold of the new Golden Age for mankind,” says spirit teacher Saul. (1) In that era, hu

Perfect knowledge.....
Perfect knowledge.......
"Perfect knowledge means to know one's own self and to know the Supreme Self. The Supreme Self and the individual self, although one in quality, are different in quantity.
This analytical understanding of
Absolute Truth is one, but personal realization of the Absolute Truth has three stages: Brahman (sat), Paramatma (cit) and Bhagavan (ananda).
The first stage of self-realization is called Brahman ('aham brahmasmi') when you realize that you a pure et
Hang On
Anica’s Notebook
Pleiadian Knowledge, Human Observations
Black clouds have not blocked the light. You have not perished. We have not ignored your requests for help and intervention on the world stage, but
1 All matter is merly energy, condensed to a slow vibration.
2 Were all one conciousness experiencing itself subjectivly.
3 There's no such thing as death.
4 Life is just a dream, and were the imagination of ourselves.
5 Let us respect our own right to b
To trace the origin of THE CHURCH OF LIGHT, recourse must be made to tradition. Pseudo-occultists and charlatans are only too ready toappropriate a name and use it to deceive the unwary. Hence a name andboasted lineage mean nothing in such matters. W
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after the EU/Soros' minions cancelled the results of the first election, because Georgescu won, now he is not allowed to run from the beginning.
demoncratic values LOL"""
Now is the time of monsters!" - Antonio Gramsci"