Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja in Auckland New Zealand 2008...word for word. ..
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gives to others not ragatmika but raganuga, what is raganuga-
following of or practicing to have that siddha bhava, raganuga is sad
krishna (106)
1. To the extent of your faith in Nitai, Gaur will accept you. And to the extent Gaur accepts you, the gopis will bring you to Radha Krishna. 2. It is futile to approach Radha Krishna without sufficient faith in Nitai Gaur. We can never attain Vraja
This a beautiful chant sweeter than honey------
Just like honey is the pure essence of the sweetness of the flower mixed with the saliva of the Bee while chanting
OM.....Buzzzzzzzz... OM
so the names of Krishna are the distilled sweetness mixed with
Subsequently in due course of time after the disciple has gradually advanced step by step from sraddha to sadhu-sanga to bhajana-kriya to anarta-nivritti to nistha to ruci and then asakti and achieves the requisite accreditation for entrance to the p
Subsequently in due course of time after the disciple has gradually advanced step by step from sraddha to sadhu-sanga to bhajana-kriya to anarta-nivritti to nistha to ruci and then asakti and achieves the requisite accreditation for entrance to the p
RIVER OF FAITH.....documentary from this year Kumb Mela......awesome footage....
Subsequently in due course of time after the disciple has gradually advanced step by step from sraddha to sadhu-sanga to bhajana-kriya to anarta-nivritti to nistha to ruci and then asakti and achieves the requisite accreditation for entrance to the p
What makes George Harrison stand way out from all the artists and musicians of his generation and generations after him, and even to this day, is that he was the only famous artist who realized, participated and engaged in the very powerful phenomena
In Mayapur on 9 February 1996, the holy appearance day of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, two senior ISKCON devotees requested an appointment in the early evening to see Gour Govinda Maharaja. They inquired, "Why did Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stay
Very faaaar out hari katha with Sriman PremPrayojana prabhu...please check it out and share it with the world!!!!!Haribol.
I am sending you those links from Navadvip 2012 hari katha very far out topics....
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Now is the time of monsters!" - Antonio Gramsci"
I would say it's time for the men in white coats to take charge…"