My friends 2014 will be a year for all Light workers to step forward and to be accountable. No more hiding in the shadows allowing others to shoulder the great emotional instability surrounding the planet. All must now play a part in honoring the sou
kuthumi (6)
Dec. 5, 2013
channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Truly, it’s never too late!
The 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom is divinely beautiful to embellish upon our essence. In the Cosmic level we feel this expression of the color of Golden Yellow to incorporate within our Crown Chakra. It is only activated in this way on the higher dim
"I am Kuthumi-Agrippa and I come forward upon the solar rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of transcendence, abundance, truth and trust. Greetings beloved ones.
And it is with great joy