In the name of my Source Self, Higher Self, all my Soul Aspects throughout the universes, and my Self in this Now,
In the name of Mother-Father God-Goddess, Jesus Immanuel Sananda, Lady Nada, and my beloved Twin Flame,
I Accept, Appreciate, Attract and
lady (6)
It is with love that I pass my energies through the veils of illusion to surround and bathe your entire being. As my energies flow to you and with your acceptance, together we assist in dissolving the veils of illusion that you are still energising a
My precious hearts, beloved and marvellous souls … We have arrived at a most blessed moment, a most enrichening time, wouldn’t you agree? Is it not tangible for your hearts, how big and full of compassion this has grown? How beautiful and heartwarmi
Light Touches - The Way of the Grail
“The Joining”
Transmissions from Avalon Rising - 3 Aug 12
by Lady Morgaine
Blessings, All Beings of the Great Universal Love!
Can you hear Avalon calling? With ravens, eagles, unicorns, butterflies, fairies - heavenly
This is Fred speaking. It is my honor to be here once again, with each of you, as the Spokes-Being for this marvelous Temple that we all come to for great healing. This evening is another special occasion. It's a special occasion of acce
May this help you filter out the many false channellings.
Blessings and much Love,
Ashtar Command transmission through Cmdr. Lady Athena
Ashtar-Athena SherAn.
With regard to the man
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I'm using a google pixel device which is also questionable."
GFL Ground Crew data and planning cannot be accessed, as…"
The government now has access to its citizens messages and camera roll.
This is the biggest breach of privacy Western civilization has…""
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