Lowell Johnson was hiking alone on Mount Shasta, in California, USA, last July 2020. He was astonished to see the mountain literally open up a solid doorway for him and he entered INNER EARTH. Taken on a tour by a beautiful 8ft tall Lemurian man name
lemuria (13)
Dear All,
In the moment-to-moment planetary ascension phase unfolding rapidly into this year, we’ve been asked to share a message from a meeting of Galactic Federation star families on a planet of Betelgeuse, the red star of the Orion constellation. T
Dear Canadian Ground Crews,,
The GFL are experts at planetary guardianship, though would much prefer earth humans to step up to the plate of responsibilities for it, here upon your surface lands....That role is already being efficiently fulfilled in A
To know more about YOUR own soul plans on Earth contact:
You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is give
The ancient Atlanteans and Lemurians established a relationship between themselves and other advanced intelligences from other places, which had helped them to positively advance.
This higher energy technique has been applied for healing and wisdom
Learn why so many of the enlightened members of our society embrace the Hollow Earth theory in this revealing article that describes the true nature of mankind's existence. Delve into the mystery behind the Hollow Earth concept, how planets are forme
Each of you reading these words has something wonderful within YOU to contribute to OUR beautiful planet. This is why you are here.
You do NOT have to believe in a Higher Power to do this.
Because you EXIST you are FREE to choose for YOUR own way!
I Wonder, What's Through That Hole
Robert Perez a.k.a ETFirstContact41
Created and Photoshoped
My Vision of Our Future Home and Family
~ How to Master Your Reality ~
Adama of Telos
channeled by Annette Sassou
We are most pleased to see you all here tonight. We are so joyous, we can't even put it in words, how happy we are, to see each and every one of you dear On