Hi Folks, I'd like to share some footage of a lightship known to me as the Lei'hua that I was able to take on May 8th and May 11th. This was following a big energetic opening on May 5th (555 Gateway) which I'll write about soon, but for now, just sha
lightships (28)
Hi dear star brothers&sisters,
So far this year, one of the recurring themes coming through photos I (and some friends) have been taking of lightships and beings is 'round table meetings' taking place in many, many ships of the Ashtar Command and asso
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! Wishing all of you so much love, joy, inspiration and well-being as we come into 2021, from the turning-point of this planetary Shift of Ages with the magnificent Solstice Great Conjunction of December 21st, opening into
Dear Friends,
All love to you through the mid-year vibrational gateways of 2020! As the Earth, human collective and all life here continues traversing this year’s amplified Shift energies, love, compassion and unity consciousness can be seen rising to
Golden orb appears above the star Canopus on December 12th 2019, with a ship flashing next to Sirius at lower left.
Dear friends,
Wishing you all (and planet Earth) a highly providential 2020, as we dive into this supercharged year, building on the str
Angelic ‘Sky Pagoda’ forms in clouds following a node activation/light alignment on February 27th 2019.
Dear All,
In the last Galactic Council Update, we shared news of a Council meeting at Canopus, alpha star of the Carina constellation, with a great
Four ships (Ashtar Command) form a straight line around a faint star (Capella, in the middle between them) in an ’11-11 greeting’ on the night of November 11th 2018, symbolizing a successful aligning of higher light to/around the Earth through that e
Golden-white disc-shaped ship & white light pod-ship emerge from an Agarthan portal, October 25th 2018.
Dear All,
So much has been happening on the planetary and interplanetary levels during this last week of ‘Earth time’ through October 2018’s overarc
Mars, image credit: ESA (European Space Agency)
Dear All,
In Transformations July-Aug 2018, we shared some information and photos showing the initial stage of a multidimensional mission for retrieval and rebirth of the planetary soul of Mars, vibration
Dear All,
Greetings in the midst of May. :)Â Â
We’ll be posting an update about the New Earth Grid soon, and how the overall energies are shaping ‘up’, but will take a little pause (paws!) here for a moment to bring into focus a stream of the Leonine Li
Dear All,
The energetically ‘full’ month of April has come to fruition with a very beautiful Full Moon, that is peaking the vibration of inner reflection, inner awareness and deeper release where the ‘local self’ holds onto or continues recycling pers
Dear All,
Coming into April 1st Full Moon and Easter Sunday, we’d like to speak a bit about the deeper symbolism and process of resurrection and ascension, the Golden Flame and the White Flame of rebirth. Sananda, while embodied on Earth as Jesus, sa
Dear All,
One of the most asked questions I've received this year has been about Light Grids ~ what they are and what they do ~ and this rise in focus on (and increasing perception of) grids of higher dimensional light is connected with an overall str
                      Polaris with star trails, July 25 2011, photo credit: Bob King
Dear All,
Back in July, we shared about a major star family mission to Kamura (see this post) in the Carina constellation, which transformed a sha
Dear All,
Following on the Lion’s Gate 8-8 and the August solar eclipse, another high vibrational ‘peak flow moment’ will be winging in quickly and quietly on September 9th. The energy for this particular Gate of the 9-9 has been building throughout t
Dear All,
Today we’d like to bring the energy of Providence into focus ~ connecting with the vibration of the flow of all that is benevolent and beneficial. Divine Providence – the provide-nce of Source – has been viewed as divine care and guidance of
             Spica (Alpha Virginis), brightest star in Virgo.
Dear All,
This year ‘has wings on’, and before April flies away completely, we’ll dedicate this post to the House of Meraia, the soul group which Ashura and I focus our light and
Dear All,
In Canopus: Return of the Navigator, we spoke about the star Canopus and the current ascension of its planet Erra’mu from a denser-drifting 4D to  5-6D as its new (or regained) ‘anchoring platform of frequencies’. We also watched a beautiful
Dear All,
Well, what a start to 2017, with much intensity as the wave of higher light rolls in stronger this year. The ‘new’ energies in motion feel expansive, clarifying and powerfully shifting, around the Earth and in synchronicity with our galactic
Hi All, at the '11th hour', this post is about the 11:11 'Gateway', including a visualization/meditation which can be used anytime but is at a peak on this 11:11.Â
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Thank God for the GFL and all Light warriors!"