magdalena (12)
I AM the Magdalene. Walk With Me In Harmony ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda
Hello Everyone. This came in on 8-8-8. The energy has been so powerful that it took me a few days to get it posted, but I share it with you now…and the Gateway cont
Mary Magdalene: Welcome this Newer Version of You ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda
Méline Portia Lafont ~ Mary Magdalene 8-8-8 Gateway
July 27, 2015
Méline Portia Lafont
As the Soul of Magdalene re-enters the Spirit of the Goddess through a submerging of infinity law with
Mary Magdalene: The Essence of All Healing Channeled by Pamela Kribbe – October 2014" alt="pamela-kribbe-150x150" width="314" height="283" />
pamela-kribbe-Pamela channels Mar
The Magdalena discusses Sacred Partnership and Sacred Union
Greetings, I am the Magdalena, I am Mary, but I like and I choose to be called the Magdalena as well, for it is how I am known throughout, above and below. And I welcome you, my beloveds, thi
Discussions on Supportive Steps to Dissolve Fear and Illness
by Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 17th October 2014-
Mother Mary : It is with the vibration of the 9th Ray of Light I greet you today bringing
Fear, Your Greater Ascension Evolution and Healing by Mary Magdalene
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 3rd October 2014-
Greetings dear brothers and sisters of the light, I honour your journey and existence upon the Earth at this sacred
The Magdalena on The Nature of Sacred Partnership
The Magdalena speaks of Sacred Union and Partnership
Sanctuary of the White Dove
as received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am she who comes upon the wings of light I am Mary of Magdalena. In the days of old, many of you were in the Sacred Order of Magdalena. It was not a last name. I
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