i often wonder how my one little voice can be heard amongst the din of all the political rhetoric. here in the united states, our elected officials seem to have taken leave of their senses and are more concerned about protecting their positions and p
march (20)
It is March 11th as I write this, and I find myself at a point of stillness in my growth and in the work I’ve committed myself to doing. It’s not a point of stagnation and rather, I find myself with little energy for anything oth
As I write this on the evening of March 1st, I enjoyed an amazing and appreciated chat with the Hathors today and what was really notable about this chat was the pure energy I felt for so long after channeling it. I have, of cour
So many are awakening and beginning to understand the bigger picture. So many are beginning to see through the lies and games of those who wish to keep you in bondage and ignorant of your true selves ...The truth is that each of you is a vital piece
Dear Friends of PAO ( Planetary Activation Organization )
I am experiencing a spiritual renaissance – a rebirth of my original dedication to the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy that will free me to successfully take the PAO,
Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011 March 27-April 9, 2011
Beloved Ones, The energies of renewal are now coming forth in the flow of life and the cycles upon your Planet and bringing with them the energies of a new beginning. |
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2011 – March 24-31, 2011
Lit Corner | March 26, 2011
Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called stability. What does this quality entail? Stability requires a constancy of devotion, courage, perseverance a
I'm ready to be told
Time for secrets to unfold
It's our time to come of age
Time for truth to turn the page
Wanna be inside the dark
Live within a question mark
Be a friend or foe
Tell me now
Need to know
You say we must wait our turn
You say too much to l
Hilarion's Weekly Message 2011
March 20-27, 2011
Beloved Ones,
As you move through the Equinox energies, you will find many answers to the burning questions that you have held within your hearts for much too long. Then w
The Intuition Network, A Thinking Allowed Television Underwriter, presents the following transcript from the series Thinking Allowed, Conversations On the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery, with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove.
Montague's Message for Sunday, 20 March, 2011 Do not despair, they will not succeed with their Evil Plans. Their determination to create an excuse for war was so obvious. |
Get Ready for This by Sirian High Council of Light
Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/get-ready-for-this-by-sirian
...and i just wanted to share with you all the very last pa
SaLuSa 18-March-2011
As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks. It is a situation that is making people
March 13-20, 2011
Beloved Ones,
We ask that you continue your invocations on behalf of the people of Japan on a daily basis as we do require your requests each day to continue in a more tangible way. This we are doing as you call upon us and much
A Call for a "March of Millions" in Washington
March 6, 2011
The Founding Fathers of the United States recognized that, in the course of human events, a time arrives for a people to throw off the chains of tyranny. The truth of this
“Spread Your Wings And Soar"

Message From Archangel Michael, March 2, 2011
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
The time has come when you must each choose to use your time wisely. Your time in the third/ fourth dimension is accelerating so quick
Warning People.....
This meditation below is one of those very clever ways the dark forces use to harness our heart energy to the ''pyramids''....one of theiranchors of the dark forces
In physicality here on Earth. They use the primaryenergy times on E |
I received this message from a BEautiFUL friend, she sent this personal channel message. I've been experiencing a lot of energy shifts myself, and I know from others' experiences that they are having it too, so I would like to share it with you... It
March is a month of double stargates. Almost everyday is a stargate.
This means that our support system is taking tremendous advantage of
the astrology and downloading to us big time. So if you are feeling
headachy or just plain tired, dragging your but