To understand the end of this year we have to understand that in many ways we are repeating history. We are repeating a cycle...Many of you have come from other Dimensions and other Planets to incarnate at Earth now and help the vibration rise to tha
marilyn (57)
Life is not meant to be lived on auto-pilot. Yet, over half of Earth’s population is derived from soul groups that are puppet-like in the manner in which they perform on Earth...The puppeteers draw them into traditional life styles, religions, and p
Many of you are now experiencing painful endings; the leaving behind of people, places, and things that no longer resonate with you...Recognize that you have simply come under the influence of false concepts and beliefs...You are being bombarded with
Humanity is going through the ringer right now, as all your unresolved issues come up for recognition and release...It is uncomfortable to address issues that you have chosen not to acknowledge...As you face them, and refuse to be w
The great awakening is happening all over your world. The sense of excitement is spreading...The Cabal knows that it has reached the end of the road. They cannot survive beyond 2012. They have tried everything that their scientists and supporters fro
So many of you remain in the robotic, hypnotic state; your minds and bodies poisoned to keep you under control. Those of you who think for yourselves are looked on as difficult, and so efforts are made to force you to conform...So much has been done
"Operation SONY Has Commenced" - We Warned You!!!
January 22, 2012
Hello All..... :)
Wanna be "in the Know".....behold:
We see many are beginning to let go of the idea that there is only one way to accomplish things, or only one way of understanding an issue...It is time to let go. We have made this statement many times before, but we must say it again. You cannot car

It is time for rejoicing, for you are close to the goal line, but it is not time to drop the ball. Every individual choosing to be a part of this most important time, must continue their inner journey beyond simple intellectual understanding...You ar
The process that began in earnest nine months ago continues to progress toward its inevitable resolution, and our Earth allies are close to obtaining the final funding orders for Count St. Germaine's World Trust...The primary goal of the dark is this
December 26, 2011
You who have walked the lonely path of Light are soon to be joined by many, many others ...Along your trail blazing path, you have encountered much that was not love ...Your higher senses are now coming to the fore and we ask you to be prepared and c
Regardless if you are male or female you have the power to MASTER your own domain in your physical nature in all of its aspects; body, mind and of course spirit...Both energies are required to be fully balanced to receive the calm and peace you are s
Many of you have been feeling the powerful downloads of energy moving through you ...during this last week...This activity can translate into feelings of tiredness and sleepiness and sometimes the opposite of this, which is sleeplessness...All is wel
While physics is the study of physical reality...Spiritual metaphysics takes an entirely different orientation...The global shift towards spiritual awareness is the most wonderful transformation in recorded history...The primary research tool of spir
As we close out these final days that lead us into the mysterious ending cycle of 2012, we are at the stage of growth which requires our direct Participation...We have a new self that is emerging now...This process leads to a direct change in our “se
Much is unraveling of the old paradigm although you cannot yet see are being called upon to make a choice. Do you wish to stay in what is familiar, no matter how discordant, or do you choose receptivity to something different...Many of you
....your united ascension process has come to a point where it went over the ridge...The first step is always the most difficult one...Most of those who are awakening, are not yet aware of this new process, as they are still dreaming...We ask that y