June 3
The Company of Heaven has asked us to postpone this week's show until Satur
June 3
The Company of Heaven has asked us to postpone this week's show until Satur
I am contacting you from my position as participant observer in the affairs of Planet Earth. I am at an Inner Ea
Meditation through May 28th -- Archangel Michael -- Ascension Codes, Wesak Energy, Sending LOVE to Mankind
Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global lightworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join
Meditation through May 28th -- Archangel Michael -- Ascension Codes, Wesak Energy, Sending LOVE to Mankind
Project Eagle Triad (Ashtar's Trinity) welcomes YOU with open starship hatches! Our global lightworker Eagle family would LOVE for you to join u
By the power of our Creator, and all forces of love and light in the Universe, we, the people of Earth, hereby decree the following:
(By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri)
“A tree as great as man’s embrace springs from a small shoot;
A terrace nine stories high begins with a pile of earth;
A journey of a thousand miles starts under one’s feet.
People usually fail when they are on the v
This may be a stretch....but according to WHO, celll phones "may" cause cancer?....could this be a signal of the "switch" from cell phones to this so called hand held device running on zero-point energy allowing contact to anywhere/anyone on the pl
The Arcturian Group - May 30, 2011
Hello everyone..... :)
I AM smiling today..... why?.....here's why:
( Remeber... we've ALL been told to watch for "signs" of REAL progress during and after the G8 Summit Meeting )
It seems as though the ENTIRE US WAR MACHINE is soon to be under N
The term ‘Lightworker’ has been around for about 40 years, initially used to describe people doing spiritual, humanitarian or healing work. The definition of Lightworker has evolved as our understand
This is one of those topics that I find myself discussing in one way or another, in many articles, blog posts, and radio interviews.
Selamat Balik! We return! The process of transforming your world moves forward at its own divine pace. Meanwhile, the Ascended Masters intend to take this opport
There are signs all around you that are indicating the nearness of Disclosure, and when the latest information is meant to make the public domain ways are going to be found to achieve it. Even your dark Ones deliberately leak s
A very good read....
BEND, Ore. -- Three white bison calves were born Mother's Day weekend, and Monday, NewsChannel 21 got a first-hand look at the rare and majestic animals.
These are
Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,
During the past week a shift in mass consciousness occurred and you will be seeing evidence of this in the coming days. Many of you have been creating Pillars of Light and in fact, you
We are sitting in the huge golden reception and meeting hall in Agartha in the center of the Earth. This is a place where many star nations meet to g
Uriel's Message -- Why Are You Being?
Your 'being' is the concentration of your energy in a single moment of time and space. Within each moment you express your energy, inten |