miller (7)
Call upon the Violet Flame dear ones during all parts of your routine. When you invoke, or call upon the Violet Flame, either through decrees, songs, mantras, affirmations, even manifestations, you are releasing an enormous phenomenon of light that w
So some people have said, “Well, what will happen if suddenly some group ascends, and some people notice that these people are missing? Won’t these people that have stayed behind be shocked? Won’t they be traumatized? When they will see that other pe

2 September 2011
Dearest ones, how pleasing it is to c |
You are developing your own set of values and beliefs that resonate with you. Some of you are finding opposition from friends and family. That is because you are changing, you are embracing new ideas and new ways of thinking. And you are embracing th
Waiting for Disclosure
by Pamela Miller, July 22, 2011
Now that Disclosure seems very close, I would like to describe what it has been like waiting for over fifty years for this event to occ
Creator speaks to his children
Channeled by: Julie Miller
It pleases me greatly to talk again this way after only doing so just a few days ago with this channel.
I come to you today dear ones fo many reasons. so much has been going on lately, not jus