Angela Barnett
(Soul of Mary Magdalene)
First, I would like to say, that Yeshuwa and I have come to an agreement that I may and I should call him Jesus, because that is who he is to me in this life time. Even though
mother (41)
Dr. Angela Barnett
NEW BOOK- To be released in April
My teachings show how the brain is programmed with the world beliefs that cause people to play the same old movie day after day.
TOPICS: A spiral of light around the planet - Crucial points in world history - The collective consciousness of Russia - The spirals of the Ukrainian people - The problem with corruption - How much suffering do people need? - Taking the long view - T
In her Christmas dictation 2014, Mother Mary said that the greatest release of spiritual light during a year came at Christmas because so many people celebrated this together. She also said that if 500 people gave the decrees and invocations on this
TOPICS: The enthusiasm of discovering the Path - The challenge of the daily grind - How the mind gradually accepts norms - The dynamics of a downward spiral - How invoking light can become a norm - Earth is sustained by spiritual light - Become the o
Ascended Master Mother Mary,
February 13, 2014,
through Kim Michaels
TOPICS: The challenges of being in embodiment - More information is available to you now - The difficulty with information overload - The false hierarchy deliberately opposes spiritual
TOPICS: A prophecy about the Middle East - Why man-made problems have no solutions - How the West furthers the conflict in the Middle East - Why people are willing to kill each other - You are not responsible for how people outplay their minds - You
One has to be aware of deception and distortion flowing in from the Opposing Consciousness. If one speaks of free-energy coming in to support the people of the Earth by benevolent beings, know that this is not a benevolent plan. The technology is of
By Stephen Cook – December 26, 2013
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Comet ISON is providing a unique energetic potential to humanity over

Our Earth is the only planet in our solar system where Life exists. This beautiful planet which is a thriving ground for a multitude of life-forms is not a lifeless rock, spinning aimlessly in space. It is a Mother who births and nurtures various li
My child, only you alone are creating your life, nobody else. With your thoughts, words and deeds you are Co-Creator. Until now it took long that your thoughts have manifested. You even didn't remember that you had these thoughts.
Since the end of Dec
Intent: My higher self is typing all. Source.
As my eyes closed I began to deeply relax. While my body was listening to the gentle voice of Dr. May, a spiral stair appeared in my eye. Each octave that I was going down was being represented by one year
Cleaning the Room Rivers.
“ Momma, I don't want to clean my room!” protested a precocious young boy.
The wise mother rather than fuel the flames of a pointless argument gave her son the gift of love.
“Baby, do you want to hear a story?”
“Is it about clea
Kwan Yin Choose to work with me fifteen years ago. She has given me a whole lot of growing pains in the process. My journey has not been easy but rewarding. The purpose of the times we are in is not about anything negative but
My wife, Dawn Katar, has been channeling the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Extraterrestrials for close to 40 years. This past year she began channeling a brief, daily message from the Ascended Realms called Point of Peace Messages. Many have fou
This is Lord Sananda speaking. Welcome once again as we connect with each other for the Cosmic Oneness. It is our pleasure to be here with each of you, and it is my pleasure to be the Spokes-Being for the Christ Consciousness opening up th