Be Lights on the Wave, the great Wave of Universal Love, the convergence of the flow of high frequencies of Grace-full Reunion with, and into, your being, into all the life of this planet to the smallest speck of dust. The Wave rolls in ~~~ Rise in L
multidimensional (8)
For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to receive guidance, healing and transformation from all the levels and dimensions of reality.
Yet, you do not need to be a shaman to explore your dreams in this way. The capacity fo
5/12/2015 (5+3+8=16=7)
Like many of us living on this beautiful being called Gaia, I consider myself to be a light-worker. The path of this life has been arduous, sometimes confusing, sometimes challenging and occasionally utterly rewarding. Since 201
Multi-Plane Cosmonaut Download
Multi-Plane Cosmonaut is a recording of a well-know technique developed by William Swygard in the 1950s. It is called the Multi-Plane Awareness Technique and is designed for the experiencer to integrate various etheric,
I think I may have met one of my guides in a dream I had but am not sure since I have not seen him since the encounter. So here it goes. I had a dream about three weeks ago. Before this dream, I kept asking my guides if I could meet one of them face
Our new radio show, The Arcturian Ascension Process on BBS Radio, airs every other week on Friday night at 9:00 pm Pacific Time-- upcoming show dates are October 22nd, November 4th and 18th, and December
Ashtar Avatar is a big follower of Command Ashtar and the Ashtar Command. Ashtar Avatar borrowed Ashtar's name for his