We are nature’s machinery units. We may appear dumb and still to you but there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes hidden from the human . We are multi-tasking throughout the day
nature (15)
The very existence of Nature all around you is proof enough that life courses in all plant and vegetation as much as it courses in your beings. We plants and trees do not physically travel but we have heightened consciousness through which we registe
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It was good to hear that scientists have now signed a formal declaration confirming that animals do possess the ability of conscious awareness.
This international group of scientists have signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness in which the
"Capture Your Thoughts & Feel The Presence Of Now"
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Many of us inquire what is the purpose of our life & are we doing our best.
It is important to remember your soul in those moments, because your soul is the one who influences much of what occurs in your life!
This is to enable YOU faster expansion & s
Spirituality means different things to different people. In general, however, most men and women will find that being spiritual means holding certain things in life sacred. While some individuals might pursue inner peace and harmony, others will try
Conscious Conversations with Nature
Are you ready for me yet?
Yes, sorry about that.
I’m a Tansy and you can call me Tansy.
Hello Tansy
Always hither and thither you humans. Always on the go, always rushing, never enough time. We watch
By your side a crooked stream,
Above, the clouds are fluffy cream,
No longer do you want to scream.
The air it smells so sweet.
The birds go, twitter tweet.
Soft grass to place your feet.
You groove with nature's beat.
Out he