photo taken in Manchester, UK at 9:15am on 6 February 2017

photo taken in Manchester, UK at 9:15am on 6 February 2017
Zecharia Sitchin predicts the 2012 Phenomenon in this Video and even goes on to say he would be Directly Associated with it..
Putting Things Straight in his own way.
One of the few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian cla
I am not sure whether this message is reliable or just BS, but it describes on the Ison and the Nibiru, so I think it might be a very important message for this times, so I'd like to post this message. I also do not make any claims about the authenti
If not seen video, then click
Will Berlinghof, Interpreter
Joan Mills, Energizer
September 29, 2012
CA: That which is CA is available at this time, but would ask for the Energizer, Joan, to indeed present the Law of Love as well as introductory information. Please proceed.
Q: Thank
Dear Lightworkers,
All references to the Anunnaki coming from Nibiru were correct, but in a limited way.
They did not originate on Nibiru, because it is not a natural planet, but rather a vast artificial planetoid battlestation, not unlike the fiction