paradigm (21)

The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
You may notice that our respective exercises for the past few weeks have been related or have cor
The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
“Until the philosophy which hold(s) one race superior and another inferior, is finally and permanently discredited and abandon
The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to visualize Love, compassion and unity being expressed on our planet. We’re going to use our visualizat
This week, we’re going to address and bless hate in some of the many forms it comes about. Among the news stories detailing the fall of the cabals and exposing everything that’s been hidden from us, we continue to hear about tragic and awful things h
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
Thanks to my dear friends at Spirit Train Chronicles for the photo.
This week, we’re going to travel to our fifth dimensional New Earth and b
The following was channeled for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter. This astral exercise is unique, because it was led by the Hathors rather than by me.
“You are the most potent and powerful energetic bein
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we’re going to travel to the surface of our fifth-dimensional Earth and bless representations of people addicted to hard drugs. A
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
(Note: This week’s exercise is longer than usual. Be forewarned!)
This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional N
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to work with the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes to bless the lower astral planes of the
Greetings, dearest souls, I am SanJAsKa speaking for our Council of Nine. You continue to make the strides and progress that you are becoming famous for, and as the Earth experience tests your faith and resolve we note th
The following was written for the ongiong “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional New Earth and perform a blessing upon the anim
Written by Wes Annac
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to travel to the ascended city of Acclipthys and work with their Golden Council on teaching oth
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to travel to the surface of our fifth dimensional Earth and as we have been doing, we will be u
The following was written for the ongoing “astral travels” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, we are going to work with the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes on further recognizing and receiving i
Note: SanJAsKa is a Representative of the Pleiadian High Council & the Pleiadian Council of Nine.
The truth concerning our existence and the assistance we have been giving on your world can no longer be hidden, and revela
Written by Wes Annac
Note: This writing is quite long, so you may want to read it in segments.
As a human race, we feed methods of running this world that simply do not work for us. It is clear to the majority of people on this world that the ways we’
When actually looking toward the Creation of a new paradigm and the establishment of a sovereign humanity based on the concepts of peace and collective harmony, I like many others see that there is much work to be done.
We can point to the biggest pro
I have updated every main page of my website Aquarius Channelings (now the Aquarius Paradigm) and am sharing one of the page’s updates here. Head over to the site to see the rest of the updated pages!