Hello Dear ones, [a channeling]
you have much to discover in the new year. We wish to plant those seeds because we say you are about to get moving. Yes, some have been waiting for the big move for many decades, and many have said 'but they keep saying
path (15)
we come to make some sense out of several nagging questions, and shed some light on the path before you.
Channeling, as it is becoming known, is not an accurate process. Both because of dark spirits that hack into the channeler's mind, and becau
Written by Jonathan Robinson
Back in the mid 1970s, Dr. Raymond Moody wrote a book titled Life After Life in which people described their experience of temporarily “dying” and then being brought back to life. Perhaps the most striking element of the
…People think a mystic means a dreamer, an impractical person who has no knowledge of worldly affairs. Such a mystic I would call only half a mystic. A mystic, in the full sense of the word, must have balance. He must be as wise in worldly matters as
By Jim Tolles
It's a sad truth that so many people who go looking for themselves on the spiritual path can become quite lost. There are some ways that the overt spiritual path as seen in different spiritual traditions, religions, philosophies, and so
Your Life Path represents your journey through life. The skills and characteristics that are represented by your Life Path can come naturally to you. Generally, you will feel drawn to, and enjoy, the activities that your Life Path describes. The Life
By Dennis Merritt Jones
„When we are out of balance in one area of our lives, it shows up in other areas of our lives, too. We might not recognize it, or understand that the two things are related, but one thing affects the other nonetheless.
We might
By Dominique Harrier
One of the first errors that many spiritual seekers make is to assume that someone else knows exactly how to get them from whichever point of the journey that they find themselves, to a point further along; preferably complete enl
Message from Jen
Well, it certainly has been an amazing week. I’ve been learning new things by the hour, it seems, and I have felt an uplifting shift in my own vibration. This shift for me has not just come from doing this work with Peter, but also fr
One great saintly personality remarked that everyone spends their lives within a series of questions and answers. When a bird rises in the morning, it begins asking questions and searching for answers. When it comes back to the nest at night, it is s
So.. Still waiting for someone from above to come down and save you from the mess we alone collectivelly created?
While you're trying to free yourself from the current corrupted governments, you're unknowingly giving away your power & sovereignity to
Dearest children, please do not be afraid, I know at this time the messages you are receiving are confusing you....Your earth will enter 5d, and a matrix of protection will be placed around 5d earth, so that the lower vibrations cannot enter....but y
You all know that it is essential for you to open your hearts in loving kindness, generosity, and compassion to all – without distinction – and ever-increasing numbers of you are doing this.
Channeler: John Smallman
Ifeel for certain that very soon all of the worlds religions will come to an agreement in a spirit of co-operation and unite giving birth to a global spirituality concerned with the social welfare of all humanity.
By this I am not saying that people w