people (19)
Good Afternoon,
We ALL have "gifts"among a unique blend of knowledge ,experience and skill for "aplying" ourselves in our light work and othher endeavors to play our part in the (Grand Scheme) of things and to full fill our part in "creating" the "Wor
Recently I have discovered how star seeds, star people, “aliens” and most light workers get to earth. There are many different ways of getting here into a human body. What I am about to tell you will probably shock you, your mind will begin to spin a
I'll be on this show today!!! 2pmEST/11amPST... I'll be talking about My Many Encounters with ETs & Angels!!! Star Family has shared information about the future of our planet....Tune in! Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network Station-Boston & Worldwide Dreamv
GMOs - whether it's all been said, whether we are aware of and what we have done in relation to GMOs and our lives? We are still HERE, in 3D!
Love & Blessings!
One Universe, One People
by Steven M. Greer, M.D. Copyright 1991
This article is taken with permission from:
and I received it originally via their newsletter, together with their enco
I recently put forth arguments in support of the existance of Star People.
Most people still do not believe in their existance. And even less people have seen any evidence of their existance. I think crop circles, videos of UF
In this episode we're on the road riding up to Portland, it's July of 2011 and we're talking to Mike Dominguez from w.a.c Hawaii, whose family needed to get to the Portland airport so that his wife, Tiana, and babies could board a flight back to Hawa
NESARA means:
The National Economic Security and Reformation Act
ZEROES OUT (Forgives) ALL Credit Card, Auto, Personal, Educational, and Mortgage Loan Debt as a remedy for years of Bank Frauds!
On a lovely late October morning, we found Sol in the courtyard playing her harmonium. Birds can be heard chirping, and water from a fountain is running in the background. We had our instruments with us, quite conveniently, so we joined her in this s
Several days ago I received this email from the granddauther of old and dear friend. In his letter he has asked that I share with all the Indian Nation in our country. "Yes" He is a Native American Indian, He is 86 years old and lives in the southwes
The timing of unfolding spiritual processes is not up to us—it’s up to each individual in their own time, not ours...This is why people here now to help others with the Ascension/Evolutionary Process are often called “Wayshowers”.
Denise | Transition
Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time...To be fully accepted and trusted as a close personal friend of a Sirian means that you have been carefully scruti
Are you tired of trying to reach people who just don’t get it?
Ask them about their beliefs in UFO’s. All we need to do is to light their candle of curiosity. The rest is up to them.
The question of abductions and cattle mutilations is part of the general cover-up. They are a way of invalidating the harmlessness of the Space Brothers and making people afraid of the Space Brothers. The Space Brothers know nothing of harm and mean