By Gregg Braden | Heal Your Life -- Only five generations the last 26,000 years have experienced the shift of world ages. We |
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"Hi! This blog post should be called how to talk to yourself instead."
"Thanks AE...Well, as much as I detest Vlada's general aura of jaded cynicism, he's right on this one...It's a balloon, shaped like a cat, with flashing fairy lights....And also, filmed in a way, which had a lot to be desired...Something to ignore,…"
"Sighting in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, area during the summer of 2024."
"Sighting in the Outer Banks, North Carolina, area during the summer of 2024."
"Sighting in France in the summer of 2024."
"Sighting in France in the summer of 2024."
"The cure is indeed spreading Worldwide. With Trudeau resigning other corrupt leaders will follow and be forced out in the near future."