The energies Creating and sustaining your realities are being continually boosted in purity, and we mention this process at the start of our communication to let you know that it has once again been expanded upon quite ex
planes (9)
The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes: Lightening Perspectives, the Presence of Logos Energy and the Waning Influence of Darkness
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Humanity will find the refined perspectives that are being garnered as the energies o
The Hathors of Earth's Solar Astral Planes, as channeled through Wes Annac
Note: This message is quite long, and I debated breaking it up into two segments because of its length. You are advised to absorb it in as many reading sessions as you need, t
The Hathors of Earths Solar Astral Planes: Lightworker Efforts, Hosting Life in the Higher Realms and Manifesting Metaphysical Miracles
-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Uprooting and a resulting enlightenment have been the theme of the journeys of many fo
Note: In this message, references are made by the Hathors to ‘spectacular displays in [our] skies’.
I want to be clear that they are not referring to the possibility of a mass decloaking of Light Ships after the August 4
For most of us ther
world of drugs and alienation followed by despair and extremely lonely
lifestyles that are very destructive to the many people who are connected with
it. There are initia
As given to Michele Baxter by one of her guides in relation to rescue work. 9th January 2004
There are many different planes of existence, each overlapping the others, each of a higher vibration than the last, and each with it’s own set of goals. The