Lady Portia ~ Méline Lafont ~ The core of the current happenings on your planes; the search for peace within and unity with Self
October 9, 2014 in Uncategorized
October 6, 2014!Lady-Portia-Méline-Lafont-The-core-of-the-cu
portia (4)
Portia: You Carry the Ball |
St. Germain and I are taking turns talking to you in these last moments before the world turns completely around. We love talking to you, and we have both been so busy working with the government officials and world
Portia: "Tonight, Tonight, Won't Be Just Any Night...."
Dear Ones,
It is such a celebratory time in the Heavens. I asked to be the one to present the message tonight, because it will be the last one before the RV, and I like to have the opportunity to
My precious hearts, beloved and marvellous souls … We have arrived at a most blessed moment, a most enrichening time, wouldn’t you agree? Is it not tangible for your hearts, how big and full of compassion this has grown? How beautiful and heartwarmi
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