For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to receive guidance, healing and transformation from all the levels and dimensions of reality.
Yet, you do not need to be a shaman to explore your dreams in this way. The capacity fo
power (33)
TOPICS: Those who break new grounds are often risk takers - need for balance - in golden age nothing will be hidden - the greatest threat to freedom - the elite cannot hide - computer technology released to make it easier to share information - the d
From a collective perspective, we only need to watch the news to witness the violence and destruction entrenched positions can engender. And while it is extremely disturbing to truly take in just how cruel we are to our fellow humans and to our plane
Through the usage of power words, creative affirmations:
People have been able to overcome personal limitations accessing freedom.
THE 5 Affirmations Of Creative Power Explained ♥
Love Star♥
To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life
Since my very first "paranormal" experience at age 15 when I gave my first psychic reading, I was so thrilled and delighted that there was more in life then what you can see or sense with our 5 senses. I remember how magical my life became when I dis
Choice between understanding of perceiving realities
“A fight is going on inside of me… It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferi
....Nearly all of the great industrial giants of that time, the Rathenaus, the Balins, Bleichroder, the Warburgs, and of course, the Rothchilds (to whom the Balfour letter is addressed), were Jews and resided in Germany....
We are calling the sacred sisters (and brothers) who are here to help awaken and rebalance our world. It is time! And this free event is a portal into a new understanding of yourself and our time. Are you a being who recognizes it is time to access a
You are mathematically an infinite being connected vibrationally to everyone and everything thing in existence.
Since everything is a pattern of vibrations, you can literally change the vibrational pattern of your experience, causing the physical worl
Every one of you is a Divine channel for the energies of the higher realms to come through, and we’ve always wished for you dear souls to know this.
We‘ve always wished for you to understand that you come from brimming hig
The same power many of you are now speaking of with disdain – political power, corporate power, race dominance, gender or sexual orientation or any type of power....(at one point in time) you did the same by fully exploring outer-directed power....An
The Importance of Perseverance
by Tyler Steele
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There's probably plenty of topics I talk about that may seem odd to some people. You may not agree with everyth
Note from Wes: I’m experimenting with headers in this message. Feel free to tell me what you think!
Humanity continues to make great strides along your ongoing ascension process, and we like many others will continue to re
I have been particularly struck by the conversations I have had with so many conscious beings since the Winter Solstice of 2012. In the weeks preceding the Solstice, people encountered difficult energy, inner crisis’s, malaise and a negative force w
Channeled through Wes Annac
Humanity is and will continue to be reflecting the pure vibrations being pumped into dear Gaia’s Light grid, and you can all help to express these energies and bring them through yourselves as you continue your journey of
Our Body it"s a Temple,
With Energy And Light..
love and Take Care Of It,.
You Willl See So Mutch Things Change..
To Your Body And Yourself,.
And Everthing Around You..
Stay Believe In The Power Off The Energy And Light..
Love It"s The Only Key
Mutch Love A
The following was copied and pasted from David Wilcock's website
in case you want to
Another one of my insiders
We have been exploring our capacity to visit and exist in parallel worlds. Not much is known about parallel worlds except that science believes that we live in a multi-verse or meta-verse that simultaneously holds billions of worlds that are merely i