It is with love that I pass my energies through the veils of illusion to surround and bathe your entire being. As my energies flow to you and with your acceptance, together we assist in dissolving the veils of illusion that you are still energising a
quan (4)
This is an older article I found searching for something else, and it was one of those things that just happend to show up at the right time. This is a wonderful article by Celia Fenn and Quan Yin about the return of the sacred feminine- it is very
Quan yins Lavender Flame
Kwan Yin is the Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and one of the most beloved deities in the Buddhist tradition. She is also known as Kuan Yin, Quan'Am, and Quan Yin. Kwan Yin is very similar to mother Mary, bestowing her wisdo
I Have been learning Tai Chi for about 3 years and I've been doing energy work and Reki for a long time now. In Tai Chi I learnt some excersises called Chi Quan, which translates to "energy work". Chi Quan uses quite simple physical movements but alo
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