reality (39)
Upon waking yesterday morning, I grabbed myself a cup of coffee and my trusted dream dictionary. I wanted to get to the bottom of a very disturbing dream I'd had the previous night, and was eager to begin analyzing the symbolism found
Sitara Answers Your Questions.
To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact:
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For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to receive guidance, healing and transformation from all the levels and dimensions of reality.
Yet, you do not need to be a shaman to explore your dreams in this way. The capacity fo
The end of the journey and it's beginning become easier to visualize if you understand greater where you are right now between the two. The more you can learn or are able to theorize about the contemporary reality; the more conclusions you have to dr
Dr. Angela Barnett
Channels Crystalai Council
The insantiy of people will get worse and worse until a large group of Light Workers, Old Souls, Indigos and anyone else who wants to participate spends most of
Dr. Angela "Crystalai" Barnett (c) 2013
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone,
Who are the “Great Ones”, whose ancestry are they and where did they come from to this world?
Not only old and matured souls were sent to this world, but Creator Gods, who work in many worlds, who have created many of these worlds themselves and in a
If you need inspiration here’s a simple technique to alter your reality which you can start today:
1. Make a list of all the wonderful things around you right NOW in your life.
There’s always something to be grateful for!
2. Hang this list on your wall
Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times
In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body.
Times of choice, is not a choice
Staying with the mind
of yours and mine
is not for the Devine.
Be always within one place
which is..the Heart space.
Choice of Unity and < ours >
is the reality of ego of ours.
Being with the mind for more
is not the
Recently, my dear mother went through the giant pink door to the other side. You will see why I say pink door, when I relay the following story to you.
At the end of a meditation one morning, my guidance indicated that they wished to speak to me regar
Choice between understanding of perceiving realities
“A fight is going on inside of me… It is a terrible fight, and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferi
The following is a song written by me, with the ol' acoustic guitar.
Once in every blue moon
After all of our past Lives
We all come to find our collective gloom
Fades away, away we fly
All of the prophets and the Masters
Of the past, they spread
Have You Often Wondered...
if There is Much More to your Life Than The Endless
Ups-and-Downs, Struggles, Day-to-Day Repetition, Minimal Success and Endless Worry?
If you have, then the time has come for you to wake up to the truth!
You are literally l
I find myself exponentially motivated and completely sure of what I’m here to do, and the resulting metaphysical perception I’ve been able to unlock has been nothing short of amazing.
I surfaced doubts surrounding my mission and s
I have been particularly struck by the conversations I have had with so many conscious beings since the Winter Solstice of 2012. In the weeks preceding the Solstice, people encountered difficult energy, inner crisis’s, malaise and a negative force w
These writings present the view of the writer when they have been written. You have to decide by yourself what to read and believe. All writings posted are with love, light and good intention for everyone.
It is really difficult to find truth, but thi