The twin flame reunion process is one of the most challenging, compelling, and confusing experiences for both partners involved--and often for other people in their lives too. In our previous article “How Do I Know If I’ve Found My Twin Flame?” we di
relationship (6)
by Tyler Steele | Be my friend! Add me on Facebook | Join the fun :D Follow me on Twitter
Our relationship with our bodies is simply amazing. As the consciousness plugged in we work with the system that is our physical body, forming a cohesive relati
You are not telling me what to do... you are holding me with a rope tied around my neck and the more you decide for me (how I should look, walk, eat , talk, whom I should be friends with, what should I let them call me..), the more painful your grip
This article was taken from the Magdalen Manuscript (ORB Communications).
Many of us do relationships the way we play poker. We do everything possible to get the upper hand. And if that fails, we bluff. We pretend to hold cards we don’t have. We cheat
After every high point, there comes a low point. I had an outrageous and almost electric argument with one of my family member. I was so hurt and not angry only extremely sad. It was over something stupid, but the argument point out as so many argume