by April Bender via integrated Overself
religion (25)
I am excited to share this very engaging presentation by Dean Radin at the Science and NonDuality Conference as it offers readers an inside look at some of the scientific research and findings coming out in experiments con
By Wes Annac, Editor, Openhearted Rebel
“Buddha was not a Buddhist, Jesus was not a Christian, Muhammad was not a Muslim. They were Teachers who taught love.” (Source)
Religion overcomplicates a simple message: live from the heart. Letting love and com
What if life on planet earth is a duality incarnation? Say there is life on many worlds, and some of these worlds fit our definition of "heaven" and some fit our definition of "hell". In saying this you may also be saying that negativity, in large pa
A lot of people mistake Spirituality for Religion or some mysterious, supernatural occurrence. Some even think of it as a sect but this is because of their lack of knowledge and their fear of being manipulated.If we move past this
TOPICS: No justification for killing people in the name of God - the true purpose of religion is to set people free - the power elite turned religion into a tool for imprisoning people - the fact that religion can be misused does not mean it can’t do
In grave your soul with becoming a spoken patriot and express your belief of knowledge and understanding and petition your need only then you can compile the truth, In grain your thoughts and wisdom and present your matter of experience
Quantum Energy Process Library Resource Collection
Find Your Answer
An Addition to Exploring & Experiencing Quantum Energy Process Blog, That includes Over 75 Original Publication Articles that address the various many aspects of the human foundation o
I know the Commander and others here dont go super-in depth here, so I will offer the link to the information, as I am getting it.
The Order of Melchizedek
This 'The Order of Melchizedek' is be
The article posted regarding Muslims and Christians in Syria is a out right LIE!
There is no "persecution" of Christians going on in Syria.
There are less than 100,000 Coptic Christians in Syria.
They, like the Jews are tolerated well there

Chapter 6 : It Can Happen
In this week's edition of the Threshold Bookcast, we follow Jake Harvey as he visits the illustrious Mistress Aeira for a private consultation.
At the beginning of the episode, the former businessman reminisces some of the e
Several days ago I received this email from the granddauther of old and dear friend. In his letter he has asked that I share with all the Indian Nation in our country. "Yes" He is a Native American Indian, He is 86 years old and lives in the southwes
MESSAGE Pleiadian
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
"MESSAGE Pleiadians"
Message Alaja of the Extraterrestrial Pléyade
Hello, I'm Al
Please share this specially with those who are forgetful!