Inhabitants of earth are aware on a genetic level that reptiles have played their role on this planet. Humans are part reptiles, themselves and share many of their traits. However, some of us are more reptilian than others. Those reptilians are often
reptilian (7)
I have this dream that I've had over and over (I call it a repeating dream) for years. I have many repeating dreams, some about flying, floating, anti-gravity jumping and a host of other things. But this one is the one that really gets my attention.
This is for those of you who have not seen it.
This audio was filmed NOTE there will be some outside interference as it was a LIVE made film!
I had alot of fun making this!
Starseed Adventures: Inside a Reptilian Base
For more details
I don't know if all the talk about reptilians are real.
I do know that some years ago I had a dream about this tall thin blond man who was trying to be my friend.
He had shoulder len