Do you know I think spiritual people today are the most outspoken, much more so than in the seventies, eighties or nineties. I believe the war on terror beginning caused a major spike in peoples consciousness and people became more radical versions o
revolution (14)
Divine Mandate
So I come to you with a great gift:
I hereby mandate that every human child, who repeatedly entrusts himself in me and is willing to do unconditional purification work, is freed from these old and powerful blockages and from all karmic b
A few of my writings lately have detailed building a spiritual revolution and getting the message we wish to spread, out to the masses.
While I have no intention of quelling my desire to be a part of a peaceful revolution and up
I’d like to explore the idea of peace being an absolute and essential aspect of humanity’s spiritual revolution.
A friend brought up the fair point that a massive amount of awakening individuals arising and standing up to the curr
You will find yourselves able to pick-up on the frequencies and impressions being emitted by us souls in the higher dimensions, quite easily as you grow and develop your multidimensional perceptions and abilities. We quit
Along your way of working to awaken the collective of humanity, you’ve met and will meet certain obstacles and things that seem to stand in your way of sufficiently anchoring the Light and spreading the truth you’ve have
During a communication I was blessed to have with the Pleiadians recently (I’ll admit I channel quite a lot) they discussed a subject that I’d like to explore a bit here. It’s a subject I believe to be immensely-important to our
All banks, financial institutions and stock markets are dissolv
Ifeel for certain that very soon all of the worlds religions will come to an agreement in a spirit of co-operation and unite giving birth to a global spirituality concerned with the social welfare of all humanity.
By this I am not saying that people w
Formerly an astrophysicist, Giuliana Conforto taught classical and quantum mechanics. Deeply involved with Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), she has applied the ancient ART of MEMORY, and so has b
Taken from Organic Universe by Giuliana Conforto
Utopia is not a place, but a transparent state of the organic, nuclear matter that composes our human body.
I need all of my brothers and sisters to assemble.
I will be coming to get you. The time is now for us to manage our lives through love's awareness.
The revolution is now. I chose the name Ashtar Command Awareness Revolution because this is where it s
Emergency Broadcast - World Wide Revolution Imminent - March 11, 2011 The Decree was officially sent ( see Metatron Message March 10, 2011 ) - It Is Time - Rise Up - Wake Up!!!
Folks, the revolution is definitely coming to you and your part of the wor