saint (25)
TOPICS: There if a forward progression to life - This marks the official beginning of the Aquarian age - How civilization has changed - Understanding the challenge that Jesus hurled at humankind - The consciousness of eliti
TOPICS: No specific plan for the golden age - The problem with scientific materialism - Elitism and science - Submission to the ultimate theory - Male and female relationships in the golden age - Getting out of the linear mindset - Stop identifying w
Call in support of Fukushima and the whole world, with new 'Violet Fire' practice.
With Ashamarae & Saint Germain
Recorded live Dec 12th 2013
Please have an amethyst crystal with, if you have one, for this broadcast.
Also we recommend to arrange to be in
Message from St. Germain
Jan. 03, 2014
Dear friends,
The last two weeks the energy of St. Germain has been coming IN again strong and he also connected to me again. We spoke of many things and stuff. Projects to be, changes to come, how to BE.
He first w
Read the latest Message from the Arcturian Ancient Seven.
Click Here for testimonials from the first course.
This August, starting the week of the 26th, I will be facilitating a 7 week telecourse
Here are two most recent Point of Peace Messages. I hope you are feeling ever deepening peace in your lives. It's like The Masters have invited us to say "Open Sesame" and the peace is now pouring in for the receiving. Blessings and Love. Dawn Ka
My wife, Dawn Katar, has been channeling the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Extraterrestrials for close to 40 years. This past year she began channeling a brief, daily message from the Ascended Realms called Point of Peace Messages. Many have fou
Are you one who can't stop thinking? Are you tired of thinking negative thoughts that just drag you down? Have you had enough of constantly reliving the past and fearing the future through your thoughts? If you’ve tried everything but still can't
Go to Parts 1 & 2 of this Article
PART 3: 4 Easy Ways to Release Needless Thinking
Are your thoughts having their way with you?
In Parts 1 and 2, we discussed remembering that the process for releasing needless thinking will vary by individual, but ba
Monday, November 14, 2011
Moving Forward
What does it mean to disappear? Man is not an object. In the context of divine awareness man in an enigma, dreaming about another dimension than the one he claims to be on. In this dream he is not an answer to a
Sunday, November 13, 2011
11-11 Continues its Contribution
After the great dimensional activation on 11-11 many of you do not have any desire to remain in 3D. Freedom from chaos is not the change that was needed. Freedom from anger, fear and defensive
Friday, October 21, 2011
Making Awareness Apparent
Freedom from all of life's misery can only come with awakening. No drama comes to anyone that is not needing it. To entertain the conditions of change, notice how all of your lives are constantly chan
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Fine Tuning Your Discernment
Continuing to discuss all of the things being questioned is not in your best interest. Please, give away all of your concerns about motherships, comets, being rescued, defeating the dark cabals,
Bank Roll Programs
Around the turn of the century, the children of robber barons, and “banksters” began to see the error in their parent’s evilness and their use of wealth. These 100 children are known as “wealthy visionaries”. Together they invested
No Quest for Light Calls for Control
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
When the ascension dates arrive, a call to all who chose to ascend will be made. Those who answer that call will know whether they are able to ascend or not, because they will once again be choosing
Nibiru Contact is a Myth
Friday, September 23, 2011
My messages have all been about the next days and ascension. My dear ones, your curiosity about future events does nothing to advance these two awarenesses that are most needed today.
Nibiru is neit
The Ascension Call
When my words can be accepted by all who are contracted to ascend, my contact will not be an issue. All of those needing to know what the messages are saying will have direct contact and no "other" will be needed to deliver message
All About the Ascension Call
When the ascension call comes, those hearing it will be asked to do certain things to leave third dimension. No one will need to guide others. Children who will ascend can do this by their own essence taking charge. Colle