I am excited to share this very engaging presentation by Dean Radin at the Science and NonDuality Conference as it offers readers an inside look at some of the scientific research and findings coming out in experiments con
science (19)
Answering questions on Alternative/ Parallel realities in relation to science and spirituality.
Please Watch:
To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact:
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Dr. Angela Barnett
Many of you have had the question about loved ones disappearing when the shift happens. And many of you have had the question of how to remove those from your life who are making your life unhappy. If you do
Beyond Science: How to Talk to Your DNA by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Our DNA holds the secrets of immortality and wellness. Within it lies the wisdom of not only our genetic ancestors but our past and future life experiences as well. We have been told th
Russian Scientists and researchers have already found that our genetics CAN be reprogrammed and influenced by our words and frequency.
This lends credence to the fact that self healing, affirmations, intuition and other techniques can and really do w
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An Addition to Exploring & Experiencing Quantum Energy Process Blog, That includes Over 75 Original Publication Articles that address the various many aspects of the human foundation o
Celebrate Peace:
The Summer of Peace is a 3-month celebration of possibility, potential and the peace that has already been created even in the most unlikely places.
It is a call
Galactic Federation:
The Multi Dimensional Consciousness
This very special book explains:
Multi Dimensions Spirituality & Science!
How it affects YOU
The Ascended Masters Teachings About it
Planet Gaia
The Pineal & Multi Awareness!
There is a New Science of Healing in Russia - Infosomatics. It can help not only solve problems with health, but also help with business and personal relationships. This science is based on 20 years of research in the fields of brain informatics, tor
Rama Rao Das asks,
“Seers say, “Whatever is here,
Of course, is there.”
Oh, my Guru, tell me, what is the ground
That causes the atomic energy sound?”
Guru Siddha Nath says,
“Oh, My son, He cannot be bound
However, their minds are wound.
He cannot be bou
Janna Levin presents some very interesting information about our universe, including black holes and the rhythm and sound of their nature. Her presentation of the potential sounds we might here, if we could, resemble the sounds heard by those who hav
You can watch it free on Youtube, an amazingly fresh and well put together summary of whats going on and some in cartoon awesomeness, done by Jordan Duchnycz, Atlantis king & friends.
Enjoy! XD
That title is something I personally believe, and have always believed, for a very long time. I feel like a lot of times misinformation gets passed around because people don't remember that. Sometimes it's easy to hear something and believe it withou
December 21, 2012: the end date of the sophisticated Long Count Calendar created by the ancient Maya in Central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning, with enthusiasts in two camps: those