I wrote this article only after I conducted a private poll of everyday ordinary people (30) and simply asked the question "Have you ever heard of The Flower Of Life?" Of those included in the Poll only a handful (five) had and of th
seed (11)
Much love to articles, comments and podcasts I read and heard between July 7 and July 8 for inspiring this insight.
On the 5th and 6th, I was contemplating writing a "nasty" post on my personal situation berating and decrying the monetary system, the
We already ascended halfway when enough people cut cords with "fourh-dimensional" energy-leeching entities (archons) and they were banished from our reality. (The Hundredth Monkey Effect.) I participated in this last year/early this year.
The second
On a lovely late October morning, we found Sol in the courtyard playing her harmonium. Birds can be heard chirping, and water from a fountain is running in the background. We had our instruments with us, quite conveniently, so we joined her in this s
Here is a link for a nice collection of music. Give the music a second listen and you'll find Hendrix wrote about a lot of things you'll find in this blog, so in the interest of freedom, I wanted to post here. I didn't upload these tracks, just passi
Are you of non-terrestrial reincarnational origin?
Since I first started doing past-life regressions a few years ago I have known that my spiritual origins are not Earth-bound. In my researches I have come to understand that there are a number of s
Prior to it's adoption by the Christians, the Pagan celebration o