smallman (38)


All you light-bearers – and if you read this you are a light-bearer – have been working diligently to help humanity to awaken, and your tireless efforts are bearing actually have your existence in Reality, in Heaven...You are stirring in

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When you awaken, as you will, all sense of separation or aloneness will be gone, and you will recognize and experience the glory of Reality in which all are intimately and divinely connected...Your joy on awakening will transport you into the infinit

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 Until you release attitudes of judgment and blame, and until you stop nurturing desires to see those whom you feel have offended, hurt, taken advantage of you or betrayed you, taken to task and punished for their misdeeds you will not awaken...This

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You are divinely loved – as your guides, your angels, and all in the heavenly realms keep reminding you – and to re-experience that state you have only to release your hold, which for many of you is quite tenacious, on the illusions of sin, judgment,

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This truly is a time of great expectations which will be mightily surpassed when awakening occurs, and you, as it were, open your eyes, stretch, yawn, rub the sleepiness from your eyes, and stare with wonder and amazement at the sight that greets you

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People everywhere are sensing that something of great significance for humanity is about to occur – and they are not mistaken...





The divine moment for which all have been waiting with such zestful enthusiasm draws ever clos

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It is to be an event of unprecedented significance that will amaze and delight you as it unfolds, and you finally awaken from the dream into Reality. It is a state that is impossible for you to imagine...





09/14/2011 by John

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A great upward evolutionary movement is due for all those on the spiritual evolutionary path, and you are here to be a part of it. Your presence is necessary not only for your own evolution, but also to help the deeply sleeping multitudes who are, th

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...your frequency has to rise above the level to which, over the eons, you have become accustomed, where mistrust, betrayal, conflict, pain, and suffering are endemic.  This is the process that you are presently undergoing...






08/21/2011 Saul thro

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Saul / John Smallman 15th June 2011: “Give thanks for illusions – they do not last!”

by Reena on June 15, 2011


~~ Start ~~



15th June 2011, John Smallman: “Give thanks for illusions – they do not last!”

There is an increasing sense of excitement as

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Islands of Love and Forgiveness

Islands of love and forgiveness
06/06/2010 by John Smallman

As you are well aware, great changes are in progress all across the planet in preparation for the new age that you are building to replace the age of wars, pain, and suffering that you have b
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Edward posted a status
Take care.........
32 minutes ago
Edward posted a status
** Biz .....................
** AWWS.............
33 minutes ago
Malcolm commented on Malcolm's blog post ASTROLOGY ANALYSIS OF THE DEATH OF ACTOR GENE HACKMAN (1930 - 2025). Was it lack of air (since respiratory medical cases exploded in numbers in Santa Fe in Feb. 2025) OR was it a murder?
"READ THE PRIMARY POSSIBILTIY LIST MISTER SKEPTIC (who thought the Hackmans were murdered via gas in their faces and that the dog died due to sweltering heat during a Santa Fe winter). Yes, I was technically wrong about "low amounts of breathable air…"
3 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
 The Global Stargate Circle Monthly MeditationFrom The Stargate ExperienceVideo Link: The Global Stargate Circle - Meet up and meditate with Stargaters and new friends from around the world… Listen to…
6 hours ago
David posted a blog post
                                                                                                        Chapter XIV                                                                       WORKING WITH THE DEVIL The awakening of the Kundalini and the…
14 hours ago
Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"Călin Georgescu is not authorized to run for President of Romania.
after the EU/Soros' minions cancelled the results of the first election, because Georgescu won, now he is not allowed to run from the beginning.
demoncratic values LOL"
14 hours ago
Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"NASA Soviet dossier - Moon's UFO alien objects analysis Part 2 of 2"
15 hours ago
Andromedaner Z left a comment on Comment Wall
"NASA Soviet dossier - Moon's UFO alien objects analysis Part 1 of 2"
15 hours ago