It’s been many years since I have posted on Ashtar Command or anywhere really. I awoke spiritually and spontaneously in 2001. It was a fast and furious awakening that pushed all my senses to the very edge of their limit at that point. Scary without a
soul (96)
The Composition of the Soul
Questioner: I just want to know if the soul, each person's soul, is composed of more than one part?
The Council: First, shall we say, that the soul would be better understood as the report card of the entity's work with crea
Questioner: I just want to know if the soul, each person's soul, is composed of more than one part?
The Council: First, shall we say, that the soul would be better understood as the report card of the entity's work with creation of the physical and th
The soul is deep, watery, soothing, mysterious and unsettling. It is the deepest parts of the ocean, reflecting back the deepest part of self. At times calm and serene, sometimes terrifyingly tumultuous, and sti
What would it be like if you could?
I have an innate ability to talk to my soul clearly and other facets of my being. It is extremely useful in living my life.
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Hi All,
This post is in response to a number of questions people have asked about Twin Flames – what are Twin Flames, are they the same as Twin Souls, Twin Rays or soul mates, does everyone have a Twin Flame, is there only one Twin Flame or can one ha
Answering Your Questions.
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~ * UNION with my HIGHER SELF through all four worlds/ selves/ bodies * ~
INSIDE of me I SEE that I am standing on top of a mountain looking across an ocean below and beyond for thousands of miles
Surprisingly I could SEE this far
Question: There are spiritual and psychological teachings that say the soul can be divided, split or fragmented. You talk about that in the answer to the question about schizophrenia. What happens to lost fragments of the soul? What spiritual or psyc
This is my recent experience with the guardians -ANGELS of souls and loss.
Watch this video (below) to learn more:
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April Bender (via Higher Self)
As last discussed, an infusion of highly refined, crystalline fire energy continues to saturate all local areas and/or dimensional levels of creation in its current state of Quantum Excitement or multi-dimensional potent
In this video I share my Christmas and new year orb/spirit/dimensional experiences!
The time is NOW: The veil is thinning AND human consciousness is ready to expand in new ways.
How well attuned are you to this spiritual transition?
To know more a
Applying Spiritual Principles is very important to create happiness in your life.
This is very useful to know and practice daily:
Image ; Everyday
To know more about YOUR own soul plan, spiritual missions, life tests on Earth contact:
By April Bender (via Higher Self vision)
Exploring Your Crystalline Fire of Ascension
Curiously you step into the very heart of the colossal Crystalline Fire of Ascension now ablaze within your portal / field / vessel. In an instant, you are fully engu
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I would say it's time for the men in white coats to take charge…""